Memphis Depay Controls the balloon in a party of the Lyon


Lyon sets a deadline for Barça in the negotiation for Depay

Published:29/09/2020 - 00:04h

Updated:29/09/2020 - 01:54h

Lyon do not want to let Depay leave at any cost and are making his arrival at Barça difficult. The French want this soap opera to end as soon as possible and have made it clear that Friday will be the last day to talk about the Dutch

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"The president of the FC Barcelona said me the Sunday that the FC Barcelona was suffering a lot by the crisis of the coronavirus and did not have the possibility to do an offer". These were until this Monday the last words of the president of the Olympique of Lyon, Jean-Michel Classrooms, on the possibility that Memphis Depay finish in the Barça. The French left clear does almost two weeks this, and the reality is that the situation hardly has changed since.

The group barcelonista has attained at last give him gone out to Luis Suárez, ridding of this form a place in the forward and a very important index card. This gap could be for the Dutch, although the Barcelona follow having exactly the same economic problems of mediated of September. The Catalans can not offer an important sum by the Dutch attacker and therefore his arrival to the Camp Nou is cda time more complicated.

Depay, a machine to mark goals

It remains a week so that it close the market of signings and, in theory, the blaugrana went to try apurar to try presionar to the Lyon. The problem is that the Frenchmen have very clear what do with Memphis and not even go to allow that the culés exert this pressure until the last day. Classrooms has gone back to pronounce in an interview for 'Tellefoot' and has left clear that the deadline to speak on the international 'oranje' is this Friday 2 October.

"We will say them to the players that what do not fix in terms of exits before the Friday, will not be able to do. So for us the date of closing of the window of transfers will be the Friday. I think that I will propose it to him this Tuesday to our trainer, Rudi García, and to Juninho Pernambucano. Because it is comprehensible", explained the maximum mandator of the French team.

Classrooms cleared that it does not matter him what think the people on this decision that goes to take the Lyon and insisted in that if Depay, Houssem Aouar, that is near of the Arsenal, or another footballer, has not gone of the club the Friday, will remain until 2021. "All the people of good will can see that something walks bad. It can be by a lot of things that take this decision. In any case, from the Friday, the players that have not gone will not go ", puntualizó.

The Lyon does not want to give to Depay

These words move away even more to Memphis of the Barcelona, since the culés do not want to and probably neither can arrive to the more than 20 million euros that asks the Olympique by the ex of the Manchester United. The attacker finishes agreement in 2021 and this would have to be a way to exert pressure, but the reality is that the French prefer to risk to that go free next summer to yield to leave him leave in return of almost at all now.

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