The talentoso footballer follows lesionado from November

Marco Reus could be the Vermaelen of the Real Madrid

Marco Reus could be the Vermaelen of the Real Madrid

Published:15/01/2015 - 21:45h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The talentoso German player pretended by average Europe, Marco Reus, went back to lesionar by enésima time this season two months ago and will be drop at least some weeks more, by what will lose all the month of January and will have to activate again for February

It is not being the season of Marco Reus. The attacker germano of the Borussia Dortmund went back to lesionar two months ago in the duel of Bundesliga against the Paderborn after receiving a terrible entrance that has damaged his right ankle, producing him a break of external ligaments that will keep him moved away of the terrains of game during at least some weeks more, as they confirmed then sources of the German group.

It was the defence Marvin Bakalorz the one who carried out the hard entrance on Marco Reus, that has not given for discontents in this past 2014 after having lost the World-wide of Brazil and have been lesionado the greater part of this start of course by diverse injuries.

The last injury had suffered it before the happened stop of selections and, just the party in which it reappeared, could not neither finish the meeting. In summary, a new setback for Jürgen Klopp and for the Real Madrid -the one who more near is of ficharle-, since desconoce if it will go back to be the same after the injuries that is accumulating in his right leg. It will be a new case resembled the ones of Ilkay Gündogan or Thomas Vermaelen in the Barça? The time will say it.

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