Éric Abidal in a training of the FC Barcelona


Meeting Barça-Valencia with the names of Cillessen, Net, Denis and Rafinha on the table

Published:17/06/2019 - 18:11h

Updated:17/06/2019 - 20:14h

The market of signings is about to to open, and FC Barcelona and Valencia already would have gone in in negotiations. Several means inform of a meeting between both clubs in which it would have spoken of the future of Jasper Cillessen, Net Walled, Denis Suárez and Rafinha Alcántara

Calendar of FC Barcelona

FC Barcelona and Valencia coincided in the end of the season 2018-19, and the market of signings will go back them to cross. In Benito Villamarín the 'che' destronaron to the champion and conquered the Glass of Rey, although now they will find in the dispatches to speak of some subjects that interest to both. The first contact already would have made .

'RAC1' ensures that the general director of the entity blanquinegra, Mateu Alemany, has conversed with some leaders barcelonistas taking advantage of a visit to the City Condal to assist to an act of LaLiga. On the table have put several names, and is that his interests aim to Jasper Cillessen, Denis Suárez and Rafinha Alcántara.

It is not a novelty that to the valencianistas likes them the Dutch and that this does not see with bad eyes the mudanza, but now already speaks of a concrete offer. The intention would be to value to Net Walled and to the ex of the Ajax in 25 million euros and concretise a barter between both, what would allow maquillar the economic balances before 1 July -and like this Valencia would not go in in losses- and certify an operation that satisfies to both footballers. The Dutch would find the minutes that wants and the Brazilian would happen to a flat second, although at least it would receive an increase of wage.

With regard to the Galician, have studied the conditions of a possible traspaso, that convinces totally to Marcelino García Toral but does to doubt to the club. The explosion of the young Kang-in Lee does to think in the cúpula that the one of Salceda of Caselas could cover his progression, and is thus that doubts to make an investment that would have to approach to the 20 million euros.

It is in this stage in which it appears Rafinha, since the technician could see forced to choose. The cost would be similar and many signal that the Brazilian is an alternative apetecible, because it possesses a tremendo level -and has showed it- in spite of his constant injuries. The canterano wants to play more and also would have given green light to a club that the next year will contest the Champions.

Valencia is a dangerous negotiator for the Barça

Although the relations between both clubs are good, Valencia is a dangerous negotiator for the Barça. It is clear that each one defends his posture, but given the economic situation of the entity, in Mestalla, in spite of his project of Champions, still advance with the belt adjusted. This involves that his offers will not arrive to the minima that the culés need to do box, something that could obtain by players that, in spite of being something devaluated, have a quality that can sell at good cost.

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