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Memphis Depay pronounces after the rumors about his departure from Barça

Published:3/07/2022 - 00:36h

Updated:3/07/2022 - 00:36h

The Dutch striker for FC Barcelona, Memphis Depay, has offered some statements to 'ESPN' after it was confirmed that the Barça club had opened the exit door for him from Spotify Camp Nou

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The future of Memphis Depay follows without deciding , but the player will add to the trainings of the FC Barcelona the next 11 July to initiate the pre-season 2022-2023 beside the rest of his mates and possible signings. The Barcelona club has not defined what will happen with him international with the 'Oranje' and expects to resolve his folder after turns it by the United States, pautada for mediated of this month.

The continuity of Memphis has depended at all times of the movements of the Barça in the market. In the club see him like a footballer that can contribute big things in the zone of attack and value his capacity to play so much of extreme as of leading centre, but is not between the first options of Xavi Hernández and company to arm the line of attack in the next course, attentive to what happen with the future of Ousmane Dembélé and the possible signings of Robert Lewandowski and Raphinha.

In case that this suceda, the Barça will put it in the market. However, this Saturday in 'ACE' announced that the club already had showed him the door of exit and that it had to look for an offer of around 25 million euros to leave . Memphis, however, would not be to the so much, because his last statements offered to 'ESPN' desvelan that only is thinking in going back to the trainings. "I am very anxious for restarting the trainings in the Barcelona again", said the attacker tulip.

The wish of Memphis

At all times, Memphis has showed predisposition for playing and help to the Barça. The Dutch had like dream play in the Spotify Camp Nou and is fulfilling it. In all his interventions in front of the press has left clear that his intention is to be still in the club. Has agreement until the summer of 2023 and, in case to remain , the culés will look for to extend it until 2024 to avoid that it leave like free agent.

The doubts on his future had generated after a message that published in his social networks in the last days, which was interpreted by many like a possible exit. "I see how they have played some tactics to my around like player of football. Everything is well, to God likes him this of me…therefore I am favoured. In all my life was not the sufficiently good, did not apply me the standard appearance and did not have the correct behaviour. This is what happens when you live freely. This season is about to to give fear", wrote.

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