Mino Raiola, in an image of archive speaking by the mobile


Mino Raiola Denies to be in Paris because Of Ligt go to fichar by Paris Saint-Germain

Published:13/06/2019 - 01:32h

Updated:13/06/2019 - 01:34h

The representative of Matthijs of Ligt between a lot of other footballers, Mino Raiola, has denied that it find in Paris because the central Dutch go to fichar by the PSG. "This is the classical example of 'fake news'", has ensured the Italian

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Mino Raiola Was photographed in Paris in the last hours, and as it was to expect the image raised a big stir in the social networks and in the international media. A wide sector of the press ensured that the Italian, representative of Matthijs of Ligt, found in the French capital to negotiate the signing of the central youngster Dutch by Paris Saint-Germain.

Well, now Mino Raiola has gone out to the step of similar informations, tildándolas of 'fake news' and, therefore, leaving opened again the possibility that Matthijs of Ligt fiche by any big club of Europe, included the FC Barcelona. 

"This is the classical example of fake news. They asked me that it did me a photo, but not even know who is this knight, never spoke with him. It is a false news", has explained Mino Raiola in statements conceded to the agency ANSA, in reference to the famous photography that has given foot to so many speculations in the means and portals of half world.

It fits to remember that Mino Raiola is representative of a lot of players, and is possible that found in Paris to negotiate by another footballer, or simply by personal questions or of leisure. The case is that Matthijs of Ligt has left on holiday with his couple, and already has left clear in more than an occasion that will take calmly the decision on his future.

Barça and PSG, in the 'pole' by Of Ligt

In these moments FC Barcelona and Paris Saint-Germain are the main options that would value, but will take his time for reflexionar and no descarta that it can go in some another club in the equation along the next weeks. Raiola Wants to achieve a big wage for the player and a succulent premium of signing for him, whereas the Barça already there would be pactado an enclosed price with the Ajax.

Now, it will be missing to see if Of Ligt leaves backwards his doubts and accepts the proposal of the FC Barcelona. It knows that in the group culé would have it more complicated to play with regularity that in Paris Saint-Germain... But here it is the challenge, no? With the big qualities that has showed this season in the Ajax and in the 'oranje', will not have problems, to half term, to be indisputable headline in any team. Also in the Barça.

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