Fabián Ruiz and Leo Messi in a Napoli-Barça of the Champions League


Napoli, closer to move Fabián away from Real Madrid and Barça

Published:28/05/2020 - 18:13h

Updated:28/05/2020 - 18:13h

Real Madrid and Barça do not lose sight of Fabián Ruiz, but Napoli stays hopeful of renewing him. In Italy is claimed that the pressure of Aurelio De Laurentiis has taken effect and that the youngster is closer to moving away from LaLiga

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The market of signings of the summer of 2020 has several key names, and one of them is the one of Fabián Ruiz. After leaving the Real Betis in 2017, the midfield player has consolidated like one of the best of the Series To, what has increased the interest of his beaux. With an agreement that extends until 2023 and a price that would not go down of the 80 million euros, the window estival can be decisive for his future.

The war between Napoli, Real Madrid and Barça by the youngster continues, but in Italy ensure that it is tiñendo of 'azzurri'. The two big of LaLiga pretend to conquer to the of The Palaces and Villafranca, and although it carries placed months like aim of the whites and alternative for the Barcelona -thanks to the presence of Quique Setién-, his career could link to Saint Paolo during several seasons more.

According to the 'Gazzetta dello Sport', Aurelio Gave Laurentiis, president of the group partenopeo, follows closing the door to the big, and his posture has seen reinforced by the crisis of the coronavirus. To 'merengues', culés and other candidates of the Premier League that habian approached to ask seemed them expensive the Andalusian, but in the current circumstances, marked by the economic recession, is practically impossible.

The leader insists in taking advantage of this situation and has made an ofertón to renew to the crack. The quoted half specifies that the intention is to certify an extension until 2025 that would be accompanied by a remarkable increase of his wage. Besides, the Italians want that this blindaje allow them have the control, by what also would include a clause of rescission above the 100 million euros.

Always according to this version, Fabián would have asked time to study the proposal, and could devote several months to the analysis. The sevillano has aimed in several occasions that is happy in Naples but also has left want to, and is not had to step in false that engage his career. That's why the publication mentioned glides that his decision could remain slope until the summer 2021.

The Barça has other aims

Although the Barça has not erased to Fabián of his diary, for the moment is centred in other aims. The Catalans will have to do malabarismos to reinforce his staff in a hostile stage, and with Lautaro Martínez like priority for the forward, the option for the centre of the field is Miralem Pjanic. For the technicians, the bosnio is an alternative of immediate performance, whereas the 24 years of the ex of the Real Betis leave him like a possibility to half-long term, since no descarta go back to look for him if it puts to shot.

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