Takefusa Kubo with the Japanese team


OFFICIAL: Madrid transfers one of its great 'pearls'

Published:19/07/2022 - 22:42h

Updated:19/07/2022 - 22:42h

Takefusa Kubo is now officially a Real Sociedad footballer. This was confirmed by Real Madrid through a statement on its website, while the Japanese was already presented in San Sebastián

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The 'operation gone out' of the Real Madrid is still in course. The merengues already have sacked of legends of the club like Marcelo, Isco and Gareth Bleat, in addition to the players that were not inside the plans of Carlo Ancelotti like Luka Jovic and Mario Gila. Now, from the White House have oficializado the traspaso of one of the greater 'perlas' of the entity as it is Takefusa Kubo to the Real Sociedad. The Japanese puts him end to a stage that began in the 2019 but that never enjoyed like player of the first team.

And it is that from his 'landing' in Chamartín, the one of Kawasaki did not arrive to contest any official party dressing the white T-shirt, since from the first moment was yielded with the end of foguearse in First Division. Like this then , the footballer formed part of the rows of the Mallorca in the season 19-20, of the Villarreal in the first-half of the 20-21, of the Getafe in the second turn of the 20-21 and again in Mallorca during the past course. Precisely, with the group 'bermellón' was where more stood out , having played 67 parties in total in which it annotated 6 goals and delivered 6 assistances.

Now, his 'adventure' as madridista has come to an end, as it has informed the entity capitalina through a communiqué in his web page. "The Real Madrid C. F. And the Real Sociedad have agreed the traspaso of the player Take Kubo. Our club appreciates him his work and dedication during the time that has belonged to the Real Madrid. The Real Madrid wishes him all the best to him and to his family in this new stage of his life", went the words of the club to the player.

In the meantime, 'Take' already was presented in San Sebastián like new attacker of the Real Sociedad. In his new stage as 'txuri-urdin' the Japanese lucirá the dorsal '14', in principle, until 2027, year in that it expires his bond with the directed by Imanol Bailiff. "Right now I see that play in a strong team and with good players, and on with my style... It can not ask more does not seem you?", it manifested Kubo during the press conference carried out in the Reale Sand after his presentation.

A challenge ilusionante

Likewise, Takefusa commissioned to leave in clear the reasons by which chose to the Real like new destination. "The first reason is because it is the most adapted team to my style like footballer, and afterwards by the illusion and the interest that put in me. They were the first. It was on holiday and after going back already said me that the Real showed a lot interest in me, knew it, to me liked me, and here am". Now, it will face a new challenge in where will have the opportunity to show that has what needs to be a 'crack' world-wide.

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