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Official salary caps! Barça are still in trouble and Madrid surpass their record again

Published:20/02/2024 - 14:17h

Updated:21/02/2024 - 16:29h

FC Barcelona could have an even more complicated summer than the previous ones if they cannot improve their income, or at least this is reflected in the new salary caps that LaLiga has announced

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Tuesday, LaLiga has published his new table of the limits salariales (First and Second Division) after what went the wintry market. According to the figures announced, the clubs grow in base to what can spend in wages, but there is a general fall, starred by the FC Barcelona, that happens of 270 to 204 millions regarding the mass salarial that has available of face to the next 1 July, at least without registering new income for now.

With this news, the Catalan club will have 204 million Limit of Cost of Sportive Staff (LCPD), although they continue exceeding this figure. The mass salarial of the Barça keeps on being upper to the 400 'kilos', by what, unless they sell to some important player and earn the 'German crowbar', will not be able to go back to the norm 1/1. Of not to achieve it, the culés will go back to have restrictions for fichar as in the last markets.

The Barça follows losing terrain with Real Madrid and Athletic

With this new reduction, the Barça finishes moving away even more of the Real Madrid, which keeps in 727 millions (with 523 available to spend) and also of the Athletic of Madrid that with 303 is still in the second square. The following stair after the three 'big' of the Spanish football occupy it the Seville (152 millions), the Real Sociedad (144) and the Villarreal (143). The Athletic is the another club that reaches this mark of the 100 millions like limit salarial.

A regulation that LaLiga has decided to keep

It is worthwhile to remember that the limit salarial of LaLiga calculates using financial and countable parameters, without taking into account the sportive results of each team. The calculation of all the teams in these limits is regulated by the Norms of Preparation of Budgets of Clubs and SADs, a document approved by LaLiga and that explains point by point the calculation.

The figure of the limit salarial obtains subtracting to the income the costs derived of actions no sportive, that is to say, the limit imposed by LaLiga fixed the quantity that each team can spend in the wage of the footballers, the technical body, prime and compensations to players. Also they are included the costs in the quarry and other sportive sections and figures like the amortización of the signings of each footballer or the commissions to the representatives of players.

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