Florentino pérez did official the dismissal of rafa benítez and appointed to zidane

OFFICIAL: Zinedine Zidane, new trainer of the Real Madrid

OFFICIAL: Zinedine Zidane, new trainer of the Real Madrid

Published:5/01/2016 - 09:18h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The managerial board of the Real Madrid has destituido to Rafa Benítez during the afternoon of this Monday and has planted like new trainer to Zinedine Zidane, that from now and to the end of season will do charge of the staff of the first team with the confidence of Florentino Pérez

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The Real Madrid decided in an extraordinary board carried out to first hour of the afternoon of this same Monday destituir to Rafa Benítez of the charge of trainer of the first team, planting like imminent relief to Zinedine Zidane that desconoce if it will do charge of the staff for what subtracts of season or if it will be so only a "patch" until it arrive a new technician of more renown.

The case is that the decision was taken this same afternoon by the directive of Florentino Pérez after the enésimo "prick" of the Real Madrid this season, the Sunday in Mestalla against Valencia (2-2), that prevented to the whites recortar points to the FC Barcelona in League BBVA.

And it is that the irregularity of results harvested by the team to hands of Rafa Benítez would have been key to the hour to cause the dismissal, joining this to that varied of the heavy weights of the staff, as Sergio Bouquets, Marcelo, Cristiano Ronaldo or James Rodríguez, would not finish to trust he like an able winning trainer to merge to the group and motivate it of face to the fight by the two only titles that remain him for struggling this campaign, the League and the Champions League.

In this coyuntura, Zinedine Zidane will assume the control with Solari like assistant, knowing to varied of the footballers that integrate the staff of the first team and purchasing from the first moment an a lot greater chemistry that the one who these have had with Benítez.

The arrival of the French, besides, could turn off some fires like the possible will of Isco Alarcón to be traspasado during the present market of winter to the Manchester City by fault of minutes of game. Anyway, in the next hours would be foreseen that it announce the official dismissal of Benítez. Until then, everything are speculations and it will be necessary to expect.

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