onana barça sigue


Onana's subtle way of showing his 'love' for FC Barcelona

Published:28/03/2024 - 11:19h

Updated:28/03/2024 - 11:20h

Amadou Onana is one of Barça's preferred midfielders for this summer, but his price complicates the operation. Meanwhile, the Belgian of Senegalese origin shows his 'love' for the Barcelona team on his Instagram account

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona wants to fichar a mediocentro this summer and, as it comments , Amadou Onana is one of which more like. Although the Everton is not doing a good season, the Belgian is standing out in the Premier League and is in the diary of several 'big' of the English league, in addition to in the one of the Barça. The greater problem to carry this operation to good port is the price of the player, since it is valued in 50 million euros and the 'toffees' ask at least 60 to leave him go.

It is necessary to take into account that the picture of Liverpool paid in 2022 35 millions by the midfield player and since has revalorizado enough, showing that some day could become one of the best defensive pivote of the world. Thus, being his value of 50 'kilos', the normal is that they want to take out more than this figure, multiplying almost by two what paid two years ago. In the Barcelona club, unfortunately, can not arrive to these figures and only could aspire to the signing if the requirements of the Everton went down notably.

The statement of love 'silent' of Onana to the Barça

That the own Onana presionara and left clear that only wants to play in the FC Barcelona could be a form to try abaratar his price, and seen the tastes of the Belgian of Senegalese origin, would not be at all rare that this can occur. In his account of Insgtagram, the mediocentro showed very subtly his barcelonismo when following the official account of the Barça and also the one of The Masia. This is something very reseñable, since the only accounts of clubs that follows, in addition to these, are the ones of Belgium, the own Everton and the Lens, his ex team.

This statement of 'love' silent could begin to do notice anytime, whenever the Barcelona picture decide to negotiate by him of formal form. It is likely that if it gathers the sufficient money as to be able to convince to the Everton by means of internal pressures of Amadou, the footballer will loan to do it, since it is showing that it is follower of the Barça and that surely have ones win 'crazy' to play in the new Camp Nou.

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