Sofyan Amrabat in a match with Manchester United


Option for Barça? Sofyan Amrabat will return to Fiorentina in the summer

Published:30/12/2023 - 17:56h

Updated:30/12/2023 - 17:56h

Barring a surprise, Sofyan Amrabat will have to return to Fiorentina in the summer. The midfielder has not convinced Manchester United in his first semester in England, so the Moroccan could be, once again, an alternative for FC Barcelona

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Manchester United seems to have descartado already the option of purchase that includes the cession of Sofyan Amrabat. The Moroccan has contested a total of 17 parties with the Manchester United in which his level has left a lot that wish, adding a total of 6 yellow cards between Premier, FA Cup and Champions, without goals neither assistances and with a lot of errors in exit that have cost him expensive to the 'network devils'.

In this sentdio, the chain 'SKY Sports' ensures that, except sorprensa, the footballer of 27 years will have to return to the Fiorentina in summer. The violet group accepted his exit to loan with an option of purchase no compulsory by 60 million euros, more than the double of the current value of market of the Moroccan in Transfermarkt (28 'kilos'). Amrabat Has agreement with the 'Fiore' until June of 2025, by which is likely that the Italians prioritise a traspaso if the mediocentro insists in not renewing.

The Barça can have again to 'shot' to Amrabat

For the Barça, Amrabat was a real option to beginnings of 2023, but the refusal of the Fiorentina to negotiate his exit to loan in January finish closing him the door of definite form. In summer, when the club looked for a pivote for reeemplazar to Sergio Busquets, the one of Huizen went back to sound in the radar culé, but there was not negotiation between the parts and the Barcelona directive decanted by Oriol Romeu.

In 2024, the situation can be similar. Amrabat Prioritises to arrive to a team where can be headline, something that the United guaranteeed him after the injury of Casemiro. However, in the Barça would not have at all ensured, in addition to seeing forced to negotiate a wage to the drop. From here that the options to see to the Moroccan like culé are, to these heights, minimum, more still if the mediocentro keeps the low level showed this season.

The Athletic does not lose of sight to Amrabat

Another of the alternatives that handles the international Moroccan for the future is to arrive to the Athletic of Madrid. The 'colchoneros' were intersados in Sofyan the past summer, but the 'Man Or' advanced them . Nevertheless, the group 'rojiblanco' no descarta restart the negotiations with the Fiorentina in winter, knowingly of the dissatisfaction of the 'network devils' with Amrabat. In this case, the mediocentro would finish the season in Madrid and would look for to turn into the relief of Koke.

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