Lautaro Martínez in a match v Netherlands


Option for Barça? Lautaro Martinez, for sale

Published:11/12/2022 - 19:20h

Updated:11/12/2022 - 19:20h

Lautaro Martínez could be in the showcase. This was reported by 'La Gazzetta dello Sport', pointing out that the Lombard team could demand around 75 million euros in exchange for their services

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the middle of the concentration of the Argentinian selection, that will contest the decisive round of the Glass of the World, has trascended that Lautaro Martínez could be up for sale of face to the next windows of the market of signings. The forward has woken up the interest of the FC Barcelona in the last years; however, his cost could deter the Catalan entity, except that produce one or more important sales in the next markets.

The information has been to charge of 'The Gazzetta dello Sport', signalling that the team lombardo would be by the work to begin to listen offers by his traspaso. At present, the Argentinian is linked to the team 'nerazzurro' with a valid agreement until the summer of 2026, by what also the cost of the operation would be considerably high, situating as 'Transfermarkt' near of the 75 million euros.

Possibly, his participation in the Glass of the World increase his value of market, by what even could treat of a costlier operation. But from the Barça will have to expect to concretise some important sale. Lautaro could be an ideal replacement for Memphis Depay, by what the forward would have the same number of effective, but in the moment the priority recae in the market of free agents.

The competition by Lautaro

Besides, they exist other equally interested teams by the services of the Argentinian attacker, between them the Manchester United, that requires to face up to him the exit of Cristiano Ronaldo, whose agreement was terminated of unilateral way in front of the problems that was facing with the trainer, Erik Have Hag. On the other hand, it is Paris Saint-Germain, that also would have plans to reinforce his line of attack.

Nevertheless, in spite of the interest of several clubs in the last windows of the market of signings, Lautaro always has left clear his wish to continue in the rows of the Inter of Milan. The lombardos come to classify to the eighth of final of the League of Champions beside the Bayern of Munich, leaving to the Barcelona deleted of the competition of elite, whereas for the moment already prepares for the 'semis' of the World-wide in front of Croatia.

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