Chadi Riad in a match with Barça B


Osasuna wants to take the most promising center back from La Masia

Published:19/09/2022 - 15:16h

Updated:19/09/2022 - 15:16h

The name of Chadi Riad would be in the plans of Osasuna, who wants to receive him on loan. The operation that would send him to the First Division could be carried out in the winter market

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona, in the middle of a stage of renewal that lives at present, continues having to his quarry like one of the main pillars of the institution. Varied of the effective younger in the basic strengths of the Barcelona team follow attracting the attention of clubs that eventualmente could present proposals to have them in his staff.

Such is the case of Chadi Riad, whose name appears in the diary of Osasuna. The directive would have in his plans arrive to an agreement with the Barça to receive him in condition of yielded, in accordance with the information that has aimed 'Total Football'. Until the moment do not know details on the length that would have the loan or other terms in which would carry out the operation.

This option could execute during the wintry market and would not come him badly to the central defender, that would see benefited when obtaining minutes of game in First Division. Even so, it subtracts for knowing which would be his posture in front of the offer by part of the navarros, as well as the decision of the club or the contraoferta that could present in procures of an agreement between the parts.

Chadi Riad Continues evolving

Definitely, the jump to the division of honour would suppose an important step for the international Moroccan sub-20, that arrived to the rows of the Catalan entity to beginnings of 2019. In the past course was key in the Juvenile To that finished heaving the trophies of League and Glass of Champions of the hand of Òscar López and now confronts new challenges in the Barça Atlètic headed by Rafa Márquez.

To his 18 years, Riad continues in full promotion and already has been summoned to defend the colours of the nation of origin of his parents. Previously it consecrated with the combined sub-15 in the Youth African Games. For then, the Barcelona already followed his steps very closely until finally have him in his categories of base. Now, it would confront to a greater challenge.

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