Inigo, Aubameyang and Gundogan


Defined plan: The three free signings that Barça intends to make

Published:31/03/2023 - 10:13h

Updated:1/04/2023 - 22:46h

Barça wants to make three free additions during the summer in each of the sectors of the pitch, with Ilkay Gündogan, Iñigo Martínez and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang being the candidates

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The FC Barcelona will have to do manoeuvres to reduce his mass salarial and generate extraordinary income to fulfil with the adjusted Fair Play financial of LaLiga. To the equal that during the past market of summer, the planning of the sportive direction goes through to go out of those footballers with fewer minutes and do with pieces that are in the straight final of his agreement.

Franck Kessié and Andreas Christensen are a proof that the market of free agents can leave big feelings and is thus that the club has three aims in looks it for the 2023/24. The candidates are Iñigo Martínez, defender of the Athletic Club; Ilkay Gündogan, midfield player of the Manchester City; and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, leading centre of Chelsea. All are in the ramp of exit of his respective teams and the Barça considers them a big opportunity of market.

Iñigo and Gündogan, to shot

The situation of the Basque defender is the one who would be more directed for the culés because his wish goes through to play in the Spotify Camp Nou. It will remain free in June and will not renew with the 'lions', what only leaves him to the expectation that the Barcelona can inscribe him during the summer after adjusting wages and go out of the players yielded and with fewer minutes.

On the other hand it is Gündogan. The German does not see with bad eyes recalar in the City Condal but still has not taken a definite decision on his future because it is concentrated in achieving titles in the straight final of the season. The journalist Gerard Romero of 'Jijantes FC' ensures that it already has an agreement to arrive free but that has not accepted the clause that proposed him the club, which will leave him go yielded earning the wage pactado in case that they can not him inscribe. Iñigo if it would agree in ensuring the same wage with another club to loan if finally it could not have gap in the plantel.

Aubameyang Wants to return

The Barça wants to reduce costs in all his areas in front of the possibility that Leo Messi abandon Paris Saint-Germain and go back home for a last dance on Barcelona territory. This opens him the door to that Aubameyang incorporated again to the discipline of Xavi Hernández. Already it went through the changing room during the last Classical and Chelsea did not see with good eyes this action, by what could terminate his agreement in what it finish the course. In case that it occur, the gabonés will join again to the club in a triple movement to cost zero more than interesting for the sportive direction.

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