Vitor Roque y Juan Foyth, jugadores que interesan al Barça


Barça's transfer plan: Roque, Foyth and pulling 'bargains'

Published:16/03/2023 - 20:19h

Updated:17/03/2023 - 00:25h

The FC Barcelona would be very clear on his limits of face to the market of signings estival. The sports management has drawn up a plan to reinforce Xavi Hernández's squad with the players requested by the coach

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avecinan Months very important for the FC Barcelona, no only to sportive level. While in the team 'play' the possibility to win the two titles that remain in dispute (LaLiga and Glass of Rey), from the dispatches begin to trace the plan of action for the market of signings estival, in which although the culés will follow having economic problems and with the 'fair play' financial, pretend to reinforce the staff with the players that has asked Xavi Hernández for the season 2023-2024.

For the sportive direction will be an authentic challenge because the economic situation does not invite to the optimism and from LaLiga have warned that the club has to reduce considerably his mass salarial. In spite of this, understand that they will find solutions to fulfil with the expectations of the trainer of Terrassa, the one who has insisted in that it is necessary to reinforce the changing room and, especially, achieve alternatives for two key positions: the one of the right side and, also, leading centre to serve of acting of Robert Lewandowski.

In this sense, according to the information of the newspaper 'ACE', to day of today from the Barça only pose the investment of two traspasos, because the tesorería of the club and the 'fair play' financial do not leave space for much more. Thus, they will go back to bet a year more by the players that finish his agreement with his respective clubs on 30 June and that, therefore, land free in the Spotify Camp Nou. Already they have achieved several 'bargains' in the last years (like Andreas Christensen, Franck Kessié, Eric García...) And they expect to repeat it in this summer.

Juan Foyth, priority for the right side?

It is not a secret for anybody that the Barça has the urgency of fichar to a right-handed side of guarantees, put right now there is not any 'natural' in the staff. The position have gone it to him 'turnando' between Jules Koundé and Ronald Araújo, both central, and, although they have left good performances, have a lot of lacks to the hour to add to the attack and notices , of there that it was the only zone in the field in which the culés have a big problem.

It is thus that, according to the information of the newspaper 'ACE', have like priority fichar to a side and the elected would be Juan Foyth, of the Villarreal, in spite of his high available price that 'dictate' his clause of exit. Cost 54 million euros and it will be necessary to see if the Barça can achieve a discount, although from The Ceramics have left clear that will not have grantings and that, the one who want to to the Argentinian, will have to pay this figure.

Vitor Roque, the Brazilian bet for the forward

On the other hand, it is the traspaso of Vitor Roque from the Club Athletico Paranaense. The footballer of 18 years is signing a season of dream in Brazil and results the best candidate to be the acting of Robert Lewandowski, because has a lot of goal and has showed to associate very well. They are many the clubs that are behind his traspaso, but the priority for him would be recalar in the picture of the City Condal.

The negotiations have gone advancing slowly, but from the Barça trust that they will be able to complete the traspaso for this summer. Only they are in the research of the form to fit it, because his traspaso would elevate until the 40 million euros between fixed and variables. A mount high, but in front of the competition that there is and the talent of Roque, more than justifiable.

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