Raheem Sterling in the PSG-City of Champions


The starting price that City has put on Sterling

Published:19/10/2021 - 07:37h

Updated:19/10/2021 - 07:37h

Manchester City seem to be inflexible and not going to make the transfer of Raheem Sterling easy either in January or next summer. The English consider the attacker an important player and will not give him away

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Raheem Sterling seems to have turned into one of the big aims of the FC Barcelona of face to the market of signings of winter or the one of summer. The extreme, that already was in the diary of the club does some months, finishes agreement in 2023 and is by the work to change of airs. In the past window estival already asked to go out seeing that Pep Guardiola did not go him to give a decisive paper, and seems that now it is still thinking the same.

The problem is that the Manchester City wants to give off of the international by England in spite of that the Catalan technician recently opened the door of exit of the attacker if it was not happy. The leaders 'cityzens' consider to the ex of the Liverpool an important piece of the team and want to follow having he a lot of years more. In fact, in England ensured that they are trying him convince so that it renew his agreement in the next months.

Although if it does not renew in 2022 will have only a year of agreement by in front, the picture of the Etihad will not give to the international by England neither in January neither in summer. In the newspaper 'MARK' ensure that the 'skyblue' already have put him price and have left clear that will not leave by less than 80 million euros, an important figure that will complicate a lot his signing by the Barça.

The idea of the entity is that Sterling renew and finish remaining a lot of years in Manchester, but in case that it deny to do it seems that neither much less go to give him because it finish agreement in 2023. The City already showed the summer happened with Eric García that it does not go down the price of his footballers in spite of this contractual situation and will go back to show inflexible with Raheem, that besides is one of his big stars.

In the case of Eric, the Barcelona tried ficharle in 2020 and offered a quantity to the drop because in 2021 finished agreement, but the 'cityzens' put him a price of 20 million more variable euros and did not go down from here. Finally, the central remained and finish leaving free this summer. In the case of the ex forward of the Liverpool can that it finish sucediendo the same if it does not arrive an important proposal by him to final of campaign.

The Barça will have to save a lot of money

It will be necessary to see of how much money has the Barça for fichar when it finish the season, since of this will depend that it can face or no the arrival of Sterling. From the club have announced that there will be money to do some important signing, but 80 million traspaso more a more or less important wage for the footballer could be too even in the best of the cases.

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