Alexis Sanchez with Inter Milan


Puyol asks a former Barça player for Xavi's Barça

Published:22/07/2022 - 10:12h

Updated:22/07/2022 - 10:12h

Carles Puyol has appeared at a press conference during the Scotiabank National Children's Soccer Championship and assured that he would like to see Alexis Sanchéz from Blaugrana again

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Carles Puyol, one of the historical symbols of the FC Barcelona, offered some words in the frame of the National Championship of Childish Football Scotiabank celebrated in Chile. The exjugador appeared in front of the media in the ruda of previous press to one of the friendly parties, where spoke between a lot of things of Alexis Sánchez, with the one who shared by three campaigns inside the club.

'Puyi' Began his intervention ensuring that it would see with 'good eyes' if the Barça gave him a new opportunity to the '9' to play with the elastic Barcelona in the Spotify Camp Nou. "It does not depend on me, but it would like me that Alexis went back to have the opportunity to play in the Barcelona", affirmed the one of Populates of Segur.

Besides, the excapitán mentioned what meant for him play with the Chilean, standing out his impact in any team. "It is one of the players more talentosos with which have played, apart from being very professional. The things in these teams where there is so much competition never are easy. But with work and discipline am convinced that it can give a big performance in the club that represent", aimed 'Tarzán'

Finally, it left him good wishes to his ancient mate and referred in front of the microphones on which is the best team of the world in front of his eyes. "I wish him the best and for me the best team is the Barcelona, then here is the answer", concluded the exdefensor.

Wage desorbitado

The newspaper 'The Gazzetta dello Sport' has desvelado that, after the exit of Matthijs of Ligt to the Bundesliga and the new agreement of Paulo Dybala in the Rome, is Alexis the one who has gone back to the tip of the best paid of the Calcium. To his 33 years, perceives some emolumentos annual that oscillate the seven million euros, same that Aaron Ramsey (31) and Adrien Rabiot (27). This has generated a problem in the mass salarial of an Inter of Milan that has offered him until four millions so that it leave during this market, although his posture has been immovable.

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