Rafinha In a training with the FC Barcelona


Rafinha Puts of his part to go to Valencia, but Denis does not yield with his wage

Published:23/06/2019 - 17:11h

Updated:23/06/2019 - 17:11h

Rafinha Alcántara and Denis Suárez could finish finish in Valencia. The 'ches' want to to both, but the Hispanic-Brazilian is putting more than his part that the Galician. Rafinha Would be had to go down the wage and Denis, for the moment, no

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Valencia has put his look in two descartes of the FC Barcelona and is trying fichar so much to Rafinha Alcántara as to Denis Suárez. The Barça has to do box this summer to face the shopping that wants to do in the market of signings and the sales of these two footballers would be important to go adding money.

The valencianistas and the barcelonitas, besides, negotiate the barter that would carry to Jasper Cillessen to Mestalla and to Net to the Camp Nou. Sportive world even aimed that the own Rafinha could go in in this operation. Of not being like this, his price could rondar the 15 million euros, although the 'ches' will try to go down it some millions.

The footballer would be interested in playing in Valencia and would see it like a big opportunity to go back to the elite. The injuries have prevented him create a gap in the FC Barcelona and in the Valencian team could have a lot of minutes in a club that goes to play the Champions League and that will struggle by the third or the fourth place in the League.

The Hispanic-Brazilian, even would be had to lose money and go down the wage that is winning in the Barça to play in Valencia. The valencianistas can not allow the wage that is winning now Rafinha and so that the signing go out forward is necessary that the brother of Thiago decide to earn less.

Denis Suárez, that is one of the aims prioritarios of Marcelino García Toral, does not have it so clear like his mate. According to MD, the Galician would not be had to go down the wage for playing in Mestalla. The ex of the Villarreal thinks that it could find accommodate in a club where pay him the same wage that is paying him now the Barcelona.

Valencia neither sees clear the signing of Denis

In the club of the Turia do not finish to have clear that Denis was a player for Valencia. Marcelino wants to him as it was, but in the offices of Mestalla there are doubts around the talentoso mediapunta. In the Arsenal did not know to do a gap and managed without penalty neither glory by London during the five months that was there.

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