Rafinha Alcántara in a training of the FC Barcelona | FCB


Rafinha, slope of the high medical and of the negotiations on his future

Published:14/06/2019 - 17:18h

Updated:14/06/2019 - 17:18h

It carries stopped from finals of 2018, but is very near to arrive to his aim. Several informations aim to that Rafinha Alcántara could receive the high doctor in the next days after leaving backwards his problems of knee, and will centre in the negotiations on his future

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To the FC Barcelona expects him a very intense summer, with a lot of pending negotiations in the market of signings. One of which will activate in brief does reference to a footballer that has had to surpass several grave injuries, and that ready to take action, has his pending future to resolve. The next weeks will be determinants in this subject.

The newspaper 'Sport' ensures that Rafinha Alcántara already would have completed his recovery and that in hardly some days could obtain the high medical. It is necessary to remember that the canterano lesionó to finals of November in a duel against the Athletic of Madrid and that little despues went through the operating theatre, to correct a break of the ligament crossed previous of the left knee.

This is the third grave mishap that the Brazilian suffers in his knees in the last three years, but as it has sucedido always, once again has arrived to put it. The own footballer ensured that it would not be smart for the end of the campaign, but that his main aim was to recover and be to the same level that his mates for the start of the pre-season.

Once certified his aspirations in the sportive plane, will touch to seat and speak of future, because the youngster finish agreement on 30 June 2020. The crack, that carries long surrounded of rumours, has insisted one and again in that his only priority is to play, and that will be loved to do it in the City Condal but also in another project that result him interesting.

The pre-season could be decisive for the midfield player, that is in the list of transferibles but has several possible stages. The nearest seems the one to abandon the discipline culé of definite form, but no descarta a renewal and traspaso -to take out something more than profit with his sale-, or a renewal with another opportunity if the managers of the club consider it timely.

Valverde Can be key in the future of Rafinha

In the past window estival, and in a similar situation, Ernesto Valverde already was key for the continuity of Rafinha. It is true that this year arrive reinforcements to the medullary and that play is more expensive that never, but if the míster moves him his confidence, could have changes in the intentions of the Brazilian. Until lesionó, was surrendering to big level and being one of the usual, although it will be necessary to see if both will star a new attempt. The summer will dictate sentence.

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