Matthias sammer denies that the bayern go to fichar to bouquets

Sammer: "The signing of Bouquets by the Bayern are rumours"

Sammer: "The signing of Bouquets by the Bayern are rumours"

Published:10/11/2014 - 10:27h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The sportive director of the Bayern Munich, Matthias Sammer, has left clear that what is publishing during the last days on a possible Bavarian interest in doing with the services of Sergio Bouquets of here to final of course are not more than rumours

In statements conceded to "Sky Sports", Matthias Sammer has denied categorically that the Bayern Munich go to promote the signing of Sergio Bouquets in summer of 2015, when it finish the current season, since it would be almost impossible to move him of the Real Madrid and, besides, ensures that it treats of rumours without foundation by part of the press. "If the rumours that arrive from Spain were true, this club would be composed by four teams. Sergio Bouquets has a long agreement (until June of 2017) with a piece of club, so what says on him and we are only pure rumours", has signalled the sportive director.

Sergio Bouquets was the main hangman of the Bayern Munich the past season in semifinals of the Champions League marking two goals in the Allianz Sand, in what it was an authentic humiliation for the group trained by Pep Guardiola. In the actuality, the most toneless position of the Bayern continues being the one of head office, by what could look for solutions in the next market of summer doing with the services of any of the best head offices of the world.

The Bavarian fans himself wants to fichar to Reus

In statements conceded to "Sport Bild" and collected by several means like the magazine "Four Four Two", Karl-Heinz Rummenigge recognised that the Bayern Munich is very pending of the situation of Marco Reus. The footballer has denied in multiple occasions to delete the clause of his agreement in return of an ostensible increase of wage in the Borussia Dortmund, by what seems clear that will abandon the Signal Iduna Park in summer of 2015.

"We know in Munich that he (Reus) has a lot of quality. And we know his clause. For us a national player young German of such quality is interesting. But I do not want to do riots in Dortmund", comnentó Rummenigge, leaving glimpse that it is very likely that the talentoso attacker German follow in its footsteps Götze and Lewandowski, reencontrándose with both in the Bavarian group.

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