Sergi roberto could leave yielded of the fc barcelona

Sergi Roberto could leave yielded of the FC Barcelona

Sergi Roberto could leave yielded of the FC Barcelona

Published:11/08/2014 - 12:55h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Catalan press inform that the fact that finally it remain Xavi Hernández and the will of Luis Enrique to have a short staff of some 22 or 23 players could repercutir in the cession of Sergi Roberto, that will not have too many minutes

Sergi Roberto, that was called to be one of the players that stepped advance this season to the orders of Luis Enrique, could leave finally yielded of the FC Barcelona to another team of the Spanish League in which it can enjoy of minutes and opportunities of sufficient game to explode all his qualities. Or this is what leaves to glimpse "MD". Luis Enrique has full confidence in Sergi Roberto and is convinced that it will become an important player in the future for the Barça, but the fact that Xavi Hernández remain a year more will subtract minutes to the canterano in front of the presence also of Iván Rakitic, Rafinha Alcántara and Andrés Iniesta.

The importance of the role of Sergi Roberto in the FC Barcelona has gone down in the last weeks and neither Luis Enrique neither the sportive direction wish that the canterano remain a season more without playing, as it happened the course happened to the orders of Gerardo Martino. In this sense, the solution could be a cession to a team of half table for down of First Division that allow him be indisputable headline, or perhaps to another Spanish team with aspirations that also allow him have an important paper and compete with other players of his same level by the minutes.

The course of Sergi Roberto would not leave lame to the centre of the field taking into account that Rafinha Alcántara has arrived this summer to occupy in theory a position of interior, and that Busquets can play also more advanced in front of the irruption of Mascherano in the centre of the field. Luis Enrique has the example precisely of Rafinha, that the past course evolved notably in the Celtic of Vigo, like proof that a change of airs helps to the young players to espabilarse and progress in little time. This week will be key to decide the future of Sergi Roberto.

Carlos Domínguez
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