Bernardo Silva after scoring against Newcastle


City shield Bernardo Silva to leave Barça without options

Published:1/11/2022 - 07:59h

Updated:1/11/2022 - 07:59h

New information from the United Kingdom maintains that Manchester City would be for the task of renewing Bernardo Silva with the aim of shielding him against the interests of Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

For anybody is a secret that the interest of the FC Barcelona by Bernardo Silva keeps latent of face to the next season. Xavi Hernández considers him a footballer with 'DNA Barça' and already kept to the expectation with his incorporation during the past market of summer, when the Manchester City priced him in more than 90 million euros making impossible any operation.

The exit of Frenkie of Jong with direction to the Manchester United kept latent and the money that the club could ingresar by the Dutch would be used to do reality the arrival of the luso. However, any movement could concretise with the 'network devils' due to the fact that the posture of Frenkie went through to triumph in the Spotify Camp Nou, something that has turned him into an usual headline inside the eleven of the technician.

Several media have kept linked to Bernardo Silva with the Barça because the own footballer already accumulates two seasons asking go out of the Etihad Stadium, something that has not happened unobserved in the directive of both clubs. With this on the table, a new information of the portal 'Football Insider' ensures that the 'citizens' have tackled the situation to resolve it of once.

And it is that the mancunianos already would have presented him an offer of renewal to the Portuguese with the reason to give him end to the speculations on his possible signing with the Barcelona. The midfield player is a bastion for Pep Guardiola in his alignments, by what the club would want to increase his emolumentos and tie him further of 2025, date in which it culminates his agreement.

It wants to be culé

In spite of this, the lisboeta already has commented in summer to the institution his wish to change of airs by personal reasons. It would like him approach more to Portugal and his own agent, Jorge Mendes, has kept the contact with the Barça to inform him of the situation and his availability of fichar. Nevertheless, the culés did not present any offer and everything remained in a simple wish. It will be necessary to see as it finishes this serial in the following months.

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