Miralem Pjanic in a match of Juventus in the Serie A


The signing of Pjanic could have expiration date for Barça

Published:5/06/2020 - 16:48h

Updated:5/06/2020 - 20:53h

Barça and Juventus are still negotiating for Miralem Pjanic, but his transfer could have an expiration date. If there is no agreement with the catalans before June 30th, the italians will listen to more offers

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The market of signings of the FC Barcelona has several names stood out, and beside the of Lautaro Martínez appears the one of Miralem Pjanic. In a marked summer by a cumulus of adverse circumstances, in the City Condal will have to play very well his letters, since his aims are to make incorporations of level, take out party to the drops and with this consolidate a team of long route and prepared to struggle by the titles.

Like sucede with the Inter of Milan, the negotiations with the Juventus go through an exchange, that after several months of contacts has not concretised . According to the newspaper 'Sport', the relations between clubs are very good, and each week organise diverse meetings through videoconference in which recently they have touched a lot of keys by the interests crossed that exist between Catalans and piamonteses.

Although Arthur has warned repeatedly that it does not move of the Camp Nou, in Italy consider him key piece of the barter, since to Maurizio Sarri likes him the ex of the Guild and in Turín think that midfield player by midfield player would be a just operation. As 'Tuttosport', the culés presionarán to the of Goiania so that it accept, but this extreme has not confirmed and the alternative would be to speak of Nélson Semedo.

What indicates like novelty 'Sport' is that the 'bianconeri' would have fixed a date of caducity for the operation, that would be the next 30 June. The derivative economic needs of the pandemia force to square balances, and if it does not exist a pact with the champion of LaLiga, will open other roads. In the last weeks also has spoken of Jorginho and Chelsea and of a PSG with several coins of change.

In this supposition, the 'vecchia signora' would have to demand to the Barça that free to the bosnio of a precontato, since the understanding between these parts is total and the crack has chosen to dress of Barcelona. For the moment, his posture has attained to contain to the rest of beaux, but if the discussion with the Juve does not unblock , it will be necessary to reorganise the planning. From it does months already assumes that this could be an usual situation.

The Barça moves between operations crossed

The Barça carries months working in operations crossed, with Inter, Juventus and some clubs more. In addition to to Pjanic, the turineses also have blocked to Mattia Of Sciglio, that would complete the possible exchange with the Catalans. The side would depend on this agreement and also of the future of Nélson Semedo, whose renewal is stopped and whose future could go through the Series To or by the Premier League.

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