Tagliafico Controls a balloon in a party with the Ajax


Tagliafico is positioned as an alternative to Junior Firpo

Published:18/04/2020 - 11:30h

Updated:18/04/2020 - 12:02h

Junior Firpo has not convinced Barça and the club will listen to offers for him in the summer. If the side ends up leaving, the Catalans will seek replacement in the market. Nicolás Tagliafico, from Ajax, would be an alternative for the position

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Junior Firpo arrived to the FC Barcelona the past summer to solve the problems that had had the culés in the left-handed side these last years. Jordi Alba carried time without having replacement and with 30 years needed to somebody that could give him rest. The Hispanic-dominican landed in the City Condal for this, although also to be able to convert some day in the carrilero left of the Barça.

But in the football sometimes the signings do not go out well and in the case of Junior seems that this is what has occurred. The ex of the Betis has not given the level this course in the 17 parties that has played and in the club are not satisfied with him. The international Sub-21 by Spain has had opportunities to show that it could have gap in the Barcelona, but has not taken advantage of them. It has seen him shy in attack and errático in defence, by what will listen offers by him this summer.

The exit of the dominican is not safe, but in the Barça think that will be able to recover the investment that made in 2019. The carrilero cost 18 millions and the aim is to take out as little this quantity. In the Series To already there are several clubs interested in him and his destination could be finish in Italy. The Rome already has spoken with the blaugrana to ask after his situation and some sources signal that the Inter of Milan does not forget of him.

But before leaving that the ex verdiblanco leave , the barcelonistas want to have tied to his substitute. Alba has lesionado more than ever this course and the Catalans need with urgency another left-handed side that of the level. By all this, Firpo only will go if the Barça finds a powerful relief and at good cost. In this sense, 'Sportive World' aims the name of Nicolás Tagliafico like alternative to the of Saint Sunday.

Tagliafico Will go out of the Ajax this summer

The Argentinian carries several years surrendering very well in the Ajax and the past campaign went out in Champions League. The one of Rafael Shod was very near to put course to the Athletic of Madrid the summer gone through 25 million euros, although at the end it remained with the promise that now they would put him eases to go out. Marc Overmars, sportive director 'ajacied', did him this promise to ensure that a heavy weight like him remained in a market in which they went out Frenkie of Jong and Matthijs of Ligt.

Now, a year after all this, the carrilero will go out with almost total security and even could do it to a more affordable price. The economic crisis could favour to the Barcelona, that perhaps have to pay less than the 25 'kilos' that demanded the Dutch the past season. For the moment, the alone Argentinian is an option and no the favourite, but can that inside some weeks rise put in the list of options that handles the club.

By his part, Tagliafico would be loved to finish in the Barça beside his friends Of Jong and Leo Messi. The one of Arkel has a big relation with him from his stage in the Ajax, whereas with the '10' coincides in Argentina from does some years. His arrival to the changing room would be simpler knowing them to both and speaking the language. It is a side with offensive vocation, but hard and engaged in defence. It is not any technical wonder, but fulfils in all the sections and would be a good reinforcement.

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