Memphis Depay, celebrating a goal with the Olympique of Lyon


'Telegraaf': Memphis Depay signs for FC Barcelona for 25 million!

Published:15/09/2020 - 01:38h

Updated:16/09/2020 - 16:10h

According to the Dutch newspaper 'Telegraaf', the FC Barcelona and the Olympique of Lyon would have agreed the traspaso of Memphis Depay, that would be announced this week

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According to the Dutch press, the FC Barcelona already has tied to his new reinforcement for the line of attack. This Monday, the newspaper 'Telegraaf' has desvelado that the Catalan club has reached an agreement with the Olympique of Lyon for the traspaso of Memphis Depay. The forward of the French group would be announced like new player culé this same week and would cost 25 million fixed euros more other five in variables.

Memphis Depay Would arrive to the FC Barcelona being a request expresses of the new technician, Ronald Koeman, that did not have Luis Suárez for his new project and that considered to the forward of the Olympique of Lyon the ideal piece to substitute him. In fact, in spite of that the Dutch is not a '9' born, yes did the functions of leading centre title in the selection 'orange' when the current technical culé directed to the combined of the Low Countries.

Fifty goals of Memphis Depay with the Lyon

It is necessary to take into account, besides, that Memphis Depay comes to show a tremendo been of form so much in the final stretch of the past season as in the start of the present. His big performances with the Olympique of Lyon in Tie it 1 and the Champions League of the past course join to the three goals that carries annotated in the two parties of the current French championship.

Another factor that is interesting to mention is that Memphis Depay is a player that will arrive to the Camp Nou with a traspaso to the drop propiciado by the fact to finish agreement in 2021, being missing less than a year to finalise it. His value of market according to Transfermarkt is of 44 million euros, but will arrive by 25 because of the fear of the Olympique of Lyon to be able to lose him free in few months.

Second opportunity in a big

It is necessary to remember that Memphis Depay already starred a big traspaso in 2015, when fichó by the Manchester United by 35 million euros after his big performances with the Dutch selection. In this moment, stood out like left extreme and did not attain to triumph in Old Trafford, by what finish signing by the Olympique of Lyon by 20 'kilos' in 2017.

Already in the French team, Memphis Depay changed his role, abandoned the band and centred his position to be able to approach more to the area. Since, his virtues goleadoras went out to float so much in the Olympique of Lyon as in the Dutch selection, something that has carried him to be demanded by Ronald Koeman in the FC Barcelona. Will have, therefore, a new opportunity in the elite.

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