Ter stegen, laporte, david luiz, square, pogba and agüero for 2014 15?

Ter Stegen, Laporte, David Luiz, Square, Pogba and the Kun?

Ter Stegen, Laporte, David Luiz, Square, Pogba and the Kun?

Published:10/05/2014 - 13:50h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Barça can heave still with the League, but from the entity culé already would have begun to schedule the season 2014-15 and the arrival of the future signings of this summer. Ter Stegen, Laporte, David Luiz, Square, Pogba and Agüero are those that more are sounding

Although the season still has not finished and the FC Barcelona can heave with the title of League if it achieves to win the two parties that remain him, the technical office and the managerial culé already would have begun to schedule with care and work the arrival of the future signings of this summer for the course 2014-15. The president Josep Maria Bartomeu ensured that the Barcelona group prepared a "deep remodeling" with the aim to return what before to the senda of the successes, and this would go through to incorporate to a series of footballers of first level that will arrive to reinforce the feeblest zones of the staff and create competition to some members of the group.

In fact, and in spite of that for the moment the only signing almost sure to 100% is the one of Ter Stegen, to continuation will offer a review of the 6 names that more are sounding from the last weeks to dress the Barcelona T-shirt from the next market estival. Toymeric Laporte, David Luiz, Juan Guillermo Square, Paul Pogba and the "Kun" Agüero would be the clearest bets of the Barça to day of today, but does not be necessary to shelve to other futuribles in the diary of Zubizarreta that also have sounded in the last days, like Courtois, Javi Martínez, Kompany or Marco Reus, among others. These are, by the moment, the 6 footballers that have sounded stronger for the FC Barcelona 2014-15:

Marc-André Ter Stegen: The Catalan means reiterate that Ter Stegen will arrive to the FC Barcelona in return of 12 million euros and will sign an agreement by five seasons. In fact, the Borussia M'Gladbach already has announced that the youngster guardameta will not continue and have looked for him a substitute, Yann Sommer. From Germany also ensure that it has it done with the Barça, but matizando that the operation will close around the 15 "kilos". In any case, has all the ballots for fichar by the group culé.

Aymeric Laporte: The future of Aymeric Laporte approaches increasingly to the Barcelona. The newspaper "Sport" has signalled this Friday that the central of the Athletic of Bilbao would have confirmed his wish to dress of Barcelona. The sportive direction of the Barça already would have the OK of the central of Aymeric Laporte. According to the Catalan newspaper the player would be loved with the idea to dress the Barcelona T-shirt the next season and adds that the defence would be totally convinced that, in spite of his youth, is prepared to give the jump to a big. From this moment, if the Barça wants to tackle his signing will have to negotiate directly with the Athletic Club of Bilbao, a club that usually does not negotiate and always remits to the clauses of rescission. The one of Laporte is of 36 million euros.

David Luiz: Andl name of David Luiz would have reappeared with a lot of strength in this month of May to turn into one of the signings that has planned to make the FC Barcelona this next summer to reinforce to the team of face to the season 2014-15. The central of Chelsea is not for nothing to taste under the orders of José Mourinho, the one who has him relegado to a second plane in the group "blue" this course, having attained to be headline only in 15 parties of Premier League in spite of having had slightly more leadership in the Champions. They have priced him in 36,5 millions.

Square: As it informed it does some days "MD", the FC Barcelona would have convinced already to Square for fichar by the Barcelona group this summer and recalar finally in a team with aspirations to win important titles. The carrilero Colombian would show loved to be able to form part of the entity culé in an immediate future. Already with the "himself want to" of the footballer, the big challenge of the Barça will be now negotiate with Udinese and Fiorentina to close the signing and guarantee his arrival to the City Condal.

Paul Pogba: As they published several Italian means this week, the Barça would have sent an observer to Turín so that it followed closely the performances of Pogba during the party between the "bianconeros" and the Atalanta, meeting in which the French midfield player dominated to pleasure all the zones of the terrain of game. To his 21 years is one of the most complicated signings of the European panorama taking into account that the Juventus does not want to give off of his services and, besides, has priced him in 60 million euros.

"Kun" Agüero: Possibly it was, together with Paul Pogba, the most complicated signing for the FC Barcelona in the case that the Barcelona club decide finally promote his signing. The last informations of the Catalan press signalled this week that Messi had asked to the directive that tried his signing like condition to renew with the Barça, but the latest news signal that the Manchester City would have priced to the "Kun" Agüero in around 70 million euros, a price out of scope for the culés.

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