Xavi Hernández during Barça's last match of the 21-22 season


The 1x1 of Xavi's Barça 'discards' at the start of the preseason

Published:4/07/2022 - 20:24h

Updated:4/07/2022 - 20:24h

This Monday the 2022-23 pre-season of FC Barcelona has begun and Xavi Hernández has made it very clear who he has... and who he doesn't. We review the situation of the players who have gone to the medical review, but aim to leave the team

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The FC Barcelona 2022-2023 is under way and expect a lot of changes in the team trained by Xavi Hernández. The main aim of the Barcelona entity is to concretise the exit of a few footballers to free the changing room, of face to the arrival of the reinforcements (Christensen and Kessié are the first), and are a few the names that are on the table.

In fact, Xavi 'freed' to several players for the beginning of the trainings, with the intention that they could resolve his future as soon as possible. Net, Riqui Puig, Clément Lenglet, Martin Braithwaite, Mingueza, Moussa Wagué or Samuel Umtiti are free of functions, but no all have attended the called. So much the midfield player of 22 years like the guardameta assisted this Monday to the medical review, although they were not summoned.

They were the big novelty of the session, although from the Barça there are not doubts that they will finish leaving this summer, beside other players that also assisted to the double session of start of pre-season: Miralem Pjanic, Alex Hill and Francisco Trincao, those who have returned of his respective cessions. Rey Manaj, on the other hand, did not present because it is negotiating, with the Getafe and Watford like possible destinations. We review the rest of cases:

Riqui Puig, between Portugal and Italy

Although it does some months seemed decided to remain in the Barça, Riqui Puig has understood that it does not have hollow in the team and is looking for a new team. Up to now, it had related him with the Benfica, but now also the Fiorentina has gone in in the panorama. The last informations desvelan that the group of the Series To is very interested, but remains for resolving the conditions of his traspaso.

Net, without offers on the table

The Barcelona entity want to that it abandon the club this summer, but for the moment anybody has interested in his index card. The big problem with Net is that, in spite of being the second goalkeeper and have added very few minutes in the last year, tiene a very high wage that anybody wants to assume. 'SPORT' Has explained that earns three million euros and is the point that hampers any movement.

Trincao, of return to Portugal?

Xavi wants to see it in action, although it is unlikely that go between his plans of face to turns it of United States. Simultaneously, Jorge Mendes, representative of the footballer of 22 years, works in his traspaso to the Sporting of Portugal, but will depend on the economic pretences of the Barça.

Pjanic, total uncertainty

After finish his cession with the Besiktas, the midfield player bosnio has returned to the City Condal to resolve his future. Up to now, it has related only with a movement to To the-Nassr, but depends on what want the player, the one who has agreement with the Barcelona entity until 30 June 2024.

Hill, with options to remain

In a different position to the rest is Àlex Hill, of return of his loan from the Granada. The player has confessed that Xavi has said him that has he and has informed that it could finish remaining this season. Nevertheless, it depends on how it develop the market and of if the culés finish with 'overbooking'. In case that it was like this, could go back to go out in a cession by a year.

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