Laporte in a match v Copenhagen


The alternative 'top' of the Barça for the center of his defense

Published:8/11/2022 - 16:20h

Updated:8/11/2022 - 16:20h

Aymeric Laporte could be the reserve option if Barça fails to get hold of their main candidate for the defense. The City center-back would have a very high cost, but would be open to a change of scene

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The retreat of Gerard Hammered leaves a sensitive drop in the defence of the FC Barcelona, although the directive will expect until the stop mundialista to gather and decide if it will be necessary to add or no a central to his rows, well was pertinent of another team or resort to some effective of the quarry. In the case of the options of market, the name prioritario would be the one of Iñigo Martínez.

However, the executive train is conscious that the defender of the Athletic of Bilbao can 'fall', by what already would have prepared an option of reservation. In case that the Basque do not arrive to the City Condal, the elected could be Aymeric Laporte, of the Manchester City, the one who by his part would have the intention to go by new challenges and no descartaría form part of the project of Xavi Hernández.

Previously, the press specialised already has linked to the international Spanish of French origin with the Barcelona team. However, his high cost, that to day of today reaches the 38 million euros according to 'Transfermarkt', would have done to desist to the Catalan entity to carry out an operation to do with his services, a posture that could change.

Nevertheless, the operation would be far to be simple for the Barcelona, since the defender still has an agreement with the 'sky blues' until June of 2025, by what would be precise to disburse an important sum of money for ficharle. In front of this stage, the club will have to make an or more important sales to be able to face up him to the payment of his traspaso.

Laporte No longer would be indispensable for Guardiola

Another of the variants that could present the case to be heights is that the central comes to recover of a hard injury that has kept him of drop, although without putting in risk his participation in the Glass of the World. Even so, Pep Guardiola had to devise them to the moment to have his defensive line without him with effective that eventualmente have gone won his confidence to the detriment of Laporte.

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