Barça analyzes its 'levers' and pronounces on Lewandowski
Published:15/06/2022 - 14:38h
Updated:15/06/2022 - 14:38h
With some signings already closed, FC Barcelona knows that it also needs to improve its economy a lot to remain a competitive team in the coming years. The club's economic vice president talked about it.
The economic vice-president of the FC Barcelona, Eduard Romeu, was giving an interview to the journalist Gerard Romero, in the previous of the general assembly of this next Thursday, that will be decisive for the planning of the next seasons. Romeu Reviewed also subjects of signings and of the economic crowbars.
The partners will have to decide if they approve or no the sale of a part of several rights that has the club, this in search to solve the struck arks culés. "I think that the president and the managerial board have won us the confidence so that they activate these famous crowbars.", it signalled in the space 'Jijantes FC'.
From the interview, made in the channel of Twitch of Romero, explained that "it does not like us the figure of money neither the years of the CVC. It does not speak explicitly of Superliga, but speech of other competitions, that understand that it refers to her. It limits us in some field although we do not want to descartar at all by the moment. We have to leave the pride to the margin and have to act with such responsibility. I do not contemplate the no approval in the day of morning".
The Barcelona director emphasized that the important not having losses and is the commitment that has had from the first moment. "We have to give credibility to the market so that it trust the Barça. Have an additional month to activate crowbars and generate the necessary income to neutralise the bottoms and that Mateu (Alemany) can operate with tranquility in the market."
Romeu Stood out that the CVC is not the only formula, neither the best, to be able to achieve a mejoría in the club by what value with patience the other alternatives. "It is not that we have descartado at all. We think that some operations are not favourable to the Barça. There is also more operators, Bank of America and Barça have a good relation, the same that with JP Morgan", analysed.
Option 'Lewa'
"What value a lot of Lewandowski is that being the one who is, have showed his disposal to want to come to the Barça", wanted to stand out the vice-president of the Catalan entity. "We have to put to disposal of the trainer players to have a staff compensated. We can not us go back crazy reason economically need to solve the losses", finalised Romeu.