Rafinha Alcántara in a party of the FC Barcelona


The Barça and Rafinha will gather this summer to decide on his future

Published:15/05/2019 - 11:17h

Updated:15/05/2019 - 11:19h

The FC Barcelona has several pending subjects in the summer 2019, and one of them is the operation gone out. The Catalans will go back to reform the staff and one of the meetings will be with Rafinha Alcántara, with the one who the club will seat to take a decision on his future

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The market of signings of the summer 2019 will be another key period for the FC Barcelona, immersed in a new reform in his changing room. The Catalans treat to improve the quality of his team in the short term and seat in passing the bases for the staff of the future, a mission that will force to resolve several operations in the chapter of high and drops of the window estival.

One of the pending meetings is the one who will determine the future of Rafinha Alcántara, that aimed to descarte does some months and finally remained with the seen well of Ernesto Valverde. The Brazilian was an usual in the plans of the trainer until it fell lesionado to finals of November, with a break of the ligament crossed previous of his left knee that put an end to his season.

Since, the canterano has been working to complete a demanding process of recovery, with the aim to be smart for the pre-season 2019-20. As it has repeated in infinity of occasions, his priority is to play, was dressing of Barcelona or with another T-shirt, so próximamente will value his alternatives with the technicians barcelonistas and the sportive managers of the club.

The one of Sao Paulo finish agreement in 2020, what leaves two clear roads of performance. Or it leaves traspasado immediately and the culés apuran his options to attain income by his sale -that rondaría the 10 or 15 million euros- or makes him a similar proposal to the one of Denis Suárez, that signed a renewal before leaving yielded to the Arsenal not to precipitate in his decision and have like this more margin to choose the most suitable way.

Rafinha Has offers in Spain and the foreigner

According to the newspaper 'Sport', this yes, to Rafinha would not be missing him beaux, and is that it would handle several offers so much of Spain as of the foreigner. His intention, if it abandons again the Camp Nou, is to bet by a team that allow him contest the Champions, but is for seeing if it would take into account an intermediate step with a project that have between his put to contest European competitions.

Far of LaLiga, the Inter of Milan and several groups of the Premier would open him his doors, but the youngster also could opt for continuing his career more near of house. The Real Betis already insitió by him does some months and now could repeat, joining to the Real Sociedad and the Celtic of Vigo, that also would be interested in doing with his services.

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