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Barça crashes against Memphis Depay

Published:16/11/2022 - 14:06h

Updated:17/11/2022 - 01:21h

Memphis Depay continues to have the last word on his future. The Dutchman has shown himself adamant about a possible sale, although he would not oppose it if the proposal comes from a 'top' team that ensures that he is regular on the field

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The situation of Memphis Depay in the FC Barcelona has fallen in a spiral of uncertainties, all time that the forward would not be by the work to facilitate the operation of face to a possible sale in the wintry market. His intention would keep on being the same: culminate his agreement with the Barcelona team earning until the last agreed euro and arrive to his new destination with the letter of freedom to receive his premium of signing.

From the Barcelona team expect a possible change of posture that allow them at least obtain something of money by his sale, but the Dutch seems inflexible. By the moments, remains concentrated to the orders of Louis go Gaal of face to the first party of the 'Oranje' in Qatar 2022 in front of the selection of Senegal. Once concluded his participation in the appointment mundialista, expects that it pronounce his decision.

Even so, the expected change of posture still could produce, especially if the offer that can receive the Barça comes from of some team 'top' of the continent, accompanied of an interesting sportive proposal in which it was him guaranteeed the leadership. This option was viable when the operation to send him to the Juventus was on the table. However, the opportunity that it play in the Calcium no longer luce viable.

The operation frustrated with the Juventus

In that moment, the forward had given his approval to the transaction that would allow him arrive to the team of Turín, but the time began to exhaust and with him the patience of the managerial 'bianconera'. However, the international with the Low Countries had put on the table a very high request salarial, what carried to the Italian executives to desestimar this option to focus his efforts in the cession of Arkadiusz Milik.

In accordance with the newspaper 'Sport', the agreement of rescission with the Barcelona already was practically enclosed, but the pretence of the forward to perceive some seven million euros by season did to the 'Vecchia Signora' think in other options. Now, it is Memphis the one who continues having the last word regarding a possible traspaso. Of not having a reconsideración, could continue until the culmination of his agreement.

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