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The Barça could use the cessions to bring to Lemos

Published:17/05/2016 - 11:50h

Updated:17/05/2016 - 11:50h

The FC Barcelona would have fixed in Mauritius Lemos like signing to reinforce the saga of face to the next season, and instead of crediting the 4 million euros that would ask the UD The Palms could use to Sandro Ramírez or Alen Halilovic

Calendar of FC Barcelona

As it has published in the last hours "MD", and after Mauritius Lemos was copando from does hours the covers of the main half Catalans when being purportedly the FC Barcelona interested in his signing of face to the next season 2016-17, apparently the club blaugrana could use a strategy not to pay the near of 4 million euros that would ask the UD The Palms by the player.

The central Uruguayan likes to the Barça, but from the club are conscious that it would treat of a reinforcement of staff and no to play directly in the eleven headline of Luis Enrique. In this sense, would opt by not paying his signing with money, or reduce it to the maximum by means of the cessions of Alen Halilovic and Sandro Ramírez, two active with which "Struggle" does not explain for the staff of the first team.

Halilovic Will not return to the Camp Nou this summer and speaks that it remain a new course yielded in the Sporting of Gijón or was traspasado with option of repurchase to Valencia. The UD The Palms would be, in this context, a tercerca road for the Croatian attacker.

The option of Sandro Ramírez would win more whole, taking into account that the footballer would be loved to return to his earth, and that also the UD The Palms is interested from does time in repescar to which was does years the big jewel of his quarry.

"If at the end it arrives an offer irrechazable, will look the best for the interests so much of the entity like the ones of the boy. The of the Barcelona is something that fills us of satisfaction although, for the moment, does not cover the economic expectations that pretend", would have confessed to "Canaries7" a leader of the UD The Palms. It will be necessary to see if finally Mauritius Lemos arrives to the Barça... And to which price.

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