samuel umtiti lecce


Barça fulfills its objective with the loan of Umtiti in Italy

Published:3/11/2022 - 18:26h

Updated:3/11/2022 - 18:26h

With almost 180 minutes added in this start of season, Samuel Umtiti has gone back to enjoy of the professional football. The French, yielded in the Lecce, has gone recovering feelings, something that in the Camp Nou celebrate of face to the next summer

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To his 28 years, all what looked for Samuel Umtiti was to go back to play to the football of first level. The central carried long without being able to be in the green after several full seasons of injuries when having decided to not to operate to arrive to the World-wide of Russia, that won like titling in the axis of the saga of France, accompanying to Raphaël Varane.

Now in the Lecce, but still being footballer of the FC Barcelona, the central goes back to feel footballer. It has gone back to have the best feelings and finally reached a bit of continuity. In the Italian team are very happy with the international French seeing that it is finding each better day and the own Umtiti considers a tarpaulin have gone to the modest team of the Series To.

Something that for all was inimaginable does some time, now is being a reality. Although it has remained in the bench in the last two parties of league, the Frenchman has showed that all have come off well, by what no descarta that it continue there a season more, something beneficial for the economy of the Barça and for the illusions of the defender.

A light lights

The Barcelona club accessed to yield to Umtiti just so that it happened what is happening, that won confidence and began to play of acceptable way and with continuity. The intention of the managerial culé always has been to give off of him, this has not changed, but now fits the possibility that it can ingresar something of money in a future sale since his performance could attract to more clubs interested next summer.

The greater illusion of the champion of the world is to return to the football of his country. The player, formed in the Lyon, wants to go back to be title each week to try return to Tie it 1 and from there encarar the final part of his career. The Lecce seems to have commissioned to clear some doubts on his physical state, by what several French teams could ask after he to final of season.

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