Munir The Haddadi and Luis Suárez celebrate a goal of the FC Barcelona


The Barça poses leave free to Munir in this same month of January

Published:8/01/2019 - 01:00h

Updated:8/01/2019 - 02:02h

The FC Barcelona and Munir The Haddadi carried some months negotiating the renewal of the young, but finally there has not been agreement and everything aims to that will leave free. Instead of expecting to the summer, the Catalans would study to free him in this same market of winter

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In addition to advancing work regarding possible signings, the FC Barcelona also is slope of some drops in this market of winter, in which it could lighten a changing room that retells with 24 footballers. Ernesto Valverde has repeated in several occasions that prefers to work with short staff, and some of the next movements could be directed to satisfy his wishes.

One of the pending cases in the City Condal is the future of Munir The Haddadi, that finish agreement in June of 2019 and everything aims to that it will not renew it. It does some months that initiated the contacts between the club and the Madrilenian to extend his links, although in spite of having gathered several times, seems that finally there has not been agreement.

In stage, the most likely option was the one to hold until final of course and afterwards say goodbye to the team that has seen him grow, but according to the newspaper 'Sport', is studying an alternative. The Barcelona entity could pactar with the youngster to free him of immediate form, unblocking like this his index card and allowing him of this form certify officially the next step in his career.

This supposition would arrive few days after to the forward communicated him that it would not play more, something that has confirmed in two commitments in which it has fallen of the announcement. There would be three intentions that would push to the culés to give this step, that will analyse in the weeks to come and could bring novelties, since for the moment no descarta that it remain but neither that it leave .

The first would be to save the index card of the tip in what it remains of campaign, to go on with the economic readjustment that it has to guarantee the stability of the arks in the next years. Besides, it pretends give opportunities to some of his mates, and also avoid that this 'punishment' cause algun brush that it disturb the calm that reigns in the changing room. In a decision that some means attribute to the own Valverde, anticipate his exit would be beneficial for all the parts.

The plans of the Barça for suplir to Munir

Without retaining to a crack uncomfortable for having to happen some months without participating, could benefit to some of which for the moment are secondary actors in the team, as Carles Aleñá or Malcom. In the forward would open a gap that could guarantee more minutes for the rest, and that even could give entrance to another of the promises of the filial. The future approaches day after day, and it is necessary to begin to resolve the puzzle that presents the staff.

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