Emerson Royal, in a match with the FC Barcelona


Barça, one step away from selling Emerson Royal to Tottenham

Published:30/08/2021 - 14:12h

Updated:30/08/2021 - 16:50h

FC Barcelona is very close to closing one of the most unexpected movements in the transfer market, with the transfer of Emerson to Tottenham

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The end of the market of signings is having too many surprises and the FC Barcelona goes up to the train of the leadership with an unexpected movement, less than 48 hours that it close the window of transfers. The blaugrana, as it has desvelado 'Sportive World', are ultimando the details of the sale of Emerson Royal to the Tottenham of Nuno Espírito Santo.

The Brazilian side, headline in the victory in front of the Getafe, was very ilusionado for beginning his career in the Barça, to the equal that the club, but right now from the offices of the Camp Nou are negotiating his exit with destination to London, although it does so alone a day affirmed that the Catalans had denied categorically to a traspaso and that Emerson had communicated that it wanted to remain.

It is an operation that rondará the 30 million euros, between fixed and variables, a mount that it supposes a big economic injection for the culés, those who only paid a total of nine million euros to do with the whole of his rights. Like this then , the Barça changed the script in a sudden way and, after his refusal to the English, this Monday have decided to negotiate.

The Portuguese trainer of the 'Spurs', Nuno Saint Spirit, asked personally the signing of Emerson, since it is a player that likes him a lot and to the that carries following since recaló in the Real Betis, in January of 2019. In these moments, are concretising the details of the traspaso, but everything aims to that will close in few hours, or tomorrow early, as a lot.

Change of plans

From before his arrival to the Camp Nou, the illusion in the club by his incorporation was maximum. In fact, it had commented that the Barça went to renew, in the next months, his agreement until 2026. Koeman Had put a lot of hopes to him, because has a profile that convinces him, but finally in Can Barça have changed of opinion and of plans.

It is little likely that in front of his exit the club look for to a new right side, but yes will have players to occupy this position. Sergiño Dest Will split as 'fixed', but also can play Òscar Mingueza and Sergi Roberto by the band.

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