Juan Camilo 'Cucho' Hernández celebrates a goal to the FC Barcelona


The Barça took note in the Camp Nou of a signing of future for the forward

Published:3/09/2018 - 15:01h

Updated:4/09/2018 - 00:51h

The FC Barcelona kept growing in this start of season with a goleada that leaves him leader of LaLiga, but in the Camp Nou went back to think in signings. The culés checked in first line the good do of a possible signing for the forward

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After several days with some aprietos, the FC Barcelona gave a feast this Sunday against the Huesca, in a clash in which the Aragoneses upset but could not resist to the powerful offensive of the Catalans. In addition to sportive questions, there was follow-up of possible aims in the Camp Nou, with an old known that went back to lucirse in front of the culés.

For the season 2019-20 the Barcelona could look for a forward, while they check the progression of Munir The Haddadi and with the will to begin to freshen to Luis Suárez that it already has 31 years. Although the Uruguayan has quite visited still, is not of more begin to look to the future, to guarantee a natural and effective relief that keep the big level of the charrúa in the next years.

One of the alternatives, precisely, is a footballer oscense, Juan Camilo 'Cucho' Hernández, author of the first so much of the meeting of the third day liguera. The Colombian is 19 years old and is powerful, fast and desequilibrante, in addition to carrying the goal in the blood. In his last campaign in Second Division attained 16 so many in 35 apparitions -two of them in an exhibition in front of the Barça B-, and now is testing in First.

It does almost two years, during the Sudamericano Sub-20, the Barça already interested by the one of Pereira, but the Watford had tied it months before and after hiring him yielded him to the Huesca, where is exploding in spite of his youth. This same month of January there was another contact by the ariete, but the English demanded a minimum of 25 million euros to seat to negotiate and this proposal threw for backwards to the Catalans.

The passport, an obstacle in the signing of the 'Cucho' Hernández

Although the 'Cucho' is still in the diary of possible signings, there is a serious obstacle for his incorporation, and is that it occupies square of non-EU. It is not the first time that this condition interposes in the interests of the Barcelona, that also have the same problem with another of the feelings of the old continent, the Mexican Hirving Lozano.

After the obtaining of Philippe Coutinho of a European passport (Portuguese), in the staff remain Arthur, Malcom and Arturo Vidal, and there will be eases in the short term. So that any of them could access to the Spanish nationality, would need a minimum of two years of residence in the country, and the only road would be a goodbye of the Chilean, something that does not seem that it go to occur, or a cession of any of the two youngsters, something that for the moment neither contemplates .

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