Gerard Hammered in the Raise Barça


The Barcelona has clear what has to move in the defence for this market

Published:15/06/2021 - 08:45h

Updated:15/06/2021 - 09:16h

The defence of the Barcelona is not the strongest point and already there are names on the table to give him a new face to the saga, with canteranos and youth

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It follows the course of the market of summer although the Eurocopa and Glass America are at stake, although it costs to say that these tournaments will be precisely the main vitrinas and courts to take a decision of face to how arm the Barça for the next season. The defence, owner of the focuses.

Well it armed with the quarry the club the recently finished season and now, search in the market options to reinforce with forcefulness and arm a competitive saga. Laporte Is one of the names that sound for the puzzle, but follows without being clear to fault of necessary exits in this same zone.

Right side

Dest And Emerson are the owners of the place, both, because for Koeman began the competition by the place to own request, that requested in the offices that did not leave to go out to the Brazilian to reinforce the place that enough improvised once again with Sergi Roberto, another clear candidate to go out of the team.

Left side

Jordi Alba and the one who avenges. The Spanish is the big owner of the left-handed lane and with all merit, in addition to path, won to pulse and sweat during years forming a big pair with Messi, in addition to being one of the generals of the defensive zone beside Hammered, the same that in the changing room where want him and respect to the maximum.

Head office

It is the big doubt and no by fault of players, rather all the contrary. I hammered it is immovable except split of conversations to remodel his agreement, that seen it sucedido with García Pepper and Álex García, would not be odd. Araújo Shows the face like the central of direct future of the quarry whenever the injuries respect it.

The same with Mingueza, that filtered reports in his against and here was giving the face of side, of head office and until of sack of box with Koeman throwing verbal hits from the band. The boy grew in the season and finished of very good way, being even option by in front of other usual headlines.

Lenglet One of them, that had a catastrophic season and now is in the door of exit of clear form, something that will not be difficult because it follows having good options of market, distinct situation to the one of his compatriot Umtiti, that does several seasons could go out and did not give , but now, there is not gone back backwards.

Finally, Eric García, that arrives to be headline in the club and give depth to the team, connoisseur of the quarry and philosophy of the Barça. Together with the ex Manchester City, appears in the horizon Laporte, that can go in in an operation barter with the club and his arrival would remove place a priori to Mingueza or Araújo.

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