The candidates to be the acting of Alba


The candidates to be the acting of Jordi Alba in the Barça

Published:1/03/2019 - 10:27h

Updated:1/03/2019 - 10:27h

The FC Barcelona already has closed the renewal of Jordi Alba. With the security that the carrilero will remain in the Camp Nou a lot of years more, the club looks for already to his spare for the season that comes. The Barça wants to a veteran that can arrive to the club to cost zero

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona announced this past Thursday the expected renewal of Jordi Alba. The one of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat will remain in the Barça until 2024 and will improve his wage, as it wished from does some time. His continuity was a priority for the Barcelona entity, that was fully conscious of the importance of the international Spanish for the game of the team.

With this already confirmed enlargement and with Alba happy, the Barcelona already can centre his efforts in finding to an acting of guarantees for the own Alba of face to the next season. The culés carry several years trying look for to a good left-handed side acting, but until the moment any player has given the size.

Until the moment, the profile that had looked for the Barcelona was the one of a young player, with projection and that accepted to split from the bench usually. But Lucas Digne did not work and Miranda this course neither has cuajado. Precisely therefore for this summer the profile of footballer that looks for is entirely disntinto.

The Barça wants to a veteran player, with experience in parties of high level and that it can arrive to cost zero to the club. And the Barcelona technical office already has in mind three names that could finish being the spare of Alba: Filipe Luis (Athletic of Madrid), Alberto Moreno (Liverpool) and Nacho Monreal (Arsenal).

The three players finish agreement with his respective teams, have experience to the highest level and as it aims Sportive World, would be had to fichar by the Barcelona, in spite of knowing that they would arrive to be acting. The barcelonistas, this yes, will not sign to any player by an upper agreement to two seasons. The plan of the club is to go to by a carrilero left-handed with projection in a pair of campaigns.

The Barcelona will yield to Miranda and repescará to Cucurella

The plan of the Catalan team is to yield to Miranda to a team of First Division. The side has not had too many opportunities this season and in the club trust that it can foguearse far of the Camp Nou for a hypothetical turn. His destination could be the Betis. On the other hand, Cucurella will return to the Barça, but the idea is to sell him to take out cut by a player that has revalorizado in the Eibar.

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