Xavi Hernández during Barça's last match of the 21-22 season


Xavi's 'definitive' decision regarding the signing of Carlos Soler

Published:26/05/2022 - 17:22h

Updated:26/05/2022 - 20:32h

Waiting for FC Barcelona to find formulas to go out on the transfer market, the technical staff and sports management begin to make decisions. Carlos Soler would be a priority for Xavi and company

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Many are the rumours that produce daily regarding the plans of the FC Barcelona of face to the next market of signings estival. The need to achieve reinforcements prevails, but depend -absolutely- that from the offices can find formulas for fichar and that it produce a massive cleaning in the Barcelona changing room. In the meantime, in the staff technical and sportive area begin to take decisions to be smart when there is green light.

They are many the names that are in the diary of Mateu Alemany, Jordi Cruyff, Xavi Hernández and company, but everything depends on that the economy of the club improve. The one of Carlos Soler is one that remains in the diary blaugrana and has turned into an important alternative for the centre of the field, but his position (to eyes of the club) keeps on being the same: only it would arrive in case of a key exit like the one of Frenkie of Jong, that would leave an important quantity of money in the arks of the club.

It is worth it to remember that the midfield player of Valencia was offered to the Barça does some months, but had informed that they had it descartado because it did not go in between the priorities of the picture culé. 'SPORT' Informs this Thursday that the Valencian yes likes in the technical office because they see him like a "footballer of very first level" and with "important competitive" capacity that could be key in this new Barça that is building .

Likewise, they have specified that his signing is on the table and the player would be very interested in recalar in the Barça, although has an important number of offers by part of other 'big' of Europe. Valencia, in any case, will insist in giving exit to the player of 25 years, places are forced to generate income for sanear his accounts before it finalise the exercise 2021-2022, that is to say, before 30 June.

Operation in 'stand by'

'SPORT' Aim, of the same form, that the operation is frozen for the Barça waiting for that produce the exits of this market of signings estival. It is a quite complicated panorama, put the economy of the culés is very 'touched' and will need to generate sufficient income to be able to think in traspasos (and are before Kessié, Christensen, Lewandowski...).

Joan Laporta confirmed it does some days during an interview offered to L'Esportiu of Catalonia, in which desveló that the situation of the Barça is, as little, critical. The club is still in the UCI, in what to the finances refers : "Although we generated determinate income, the criterion of LaLiga no us permetiría have margin salarial. We respect the norms, but understand that they are strict and are an offend comparative with other countries. We are speaking with LaLiga of these subjects, but see a position very enrocada. Simply: according to LaLiga, neither ingresando 600 million euros could have margin salarial".

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