Sandro Ramírez, during a party with the Everton


The ex Barcelona that can reinforce to Valencia in January

Published:1/12/2017 - 00:26h

Updated:1/12/2017 - 00:26h

Sandro Ramírez fichó by the Everton pertinent of the Málaga the past summer. However, it has not achieved to settle in the Premier League and would see with good eyes his return to LaLiga. Valencia already has showed interest in ficharle

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Valencia, second qualifier in LaLiga and main perseguidor of the FC Barcelona in the national competition, could reinforce during this market of signings of winter with an ex Barcelona. The Canarian forward Sandro Ramírez, that at present is a member of the Everton, would be the elected by the technical office of Valencia to reinforce his attack.

Valencia has clear that it wants to incorporate to a forward during the month of January. The physical problems of Zaza would leave to the team of Mestalla without a 'nine' pure, in spite of having arietes of other profiles like Santi Mina or Rodrigo. The ex Barcelona, that came under scrutiny of the Athletic of Madrid, would be now in the orbit valencianista.

Adventure frustrated in the Premier

Sandro Ramírez did a spectacular season with the Málaga the past year. His goals served so that the Andalusian team saved the head. The Canarian forward, that had arrived free of the FC Barcelona, turned into one of the big disclosures of LaLiga and could saborear the minutes of which did not have in the Camp Nou.

However, in summer decided to abandon the entity malagueña to put course to the Premier League English accepting the offer of the Everton. Nevertheless, his adventure did not finish to go out like him expected since in England hardly explains for his trainer. 

That's why Sandro Ramírez would see with very good eyes a return to Spain. Valencia would offer him satisfactory figures to economic level and a sportive project solid, in which it could litigate by the championship of League codeándose with FC Barcelona, Real Madrid or Athletic of Madrid. The interest is real, as they aim several sectors of the national press, and Valencia goes to litigate for incorporating him.

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