The central of the athletic aymeric laporte and the side of the villarreal, adrián marin, candidates to reinforce the fc barcelona

The favourites to reinforce the defence of the FC Barcelona

The favourites to reinforce the defence of the FC Barcelona

Published:16/01/2016 - 10:01h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The technical secretary Robert Fernández was spying to several players in the past Villarreal-Athletic of Glass of Rey. There they found two of the four footballers that the Barça has marked in his list to reinforce the central and lateral part left of the defence

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After leaving practically sealed the signings of Nolito and Denis Suárez with Celtic of Vigo and Villarreal, respectively, the FC Barcelona centres now all his senses in finding the suitable reinforcements for his defence, this time already, of face to the next market of summer. The blaugranas want to rejuvenate his retaguardia with youngsters of contrasted quality and, with Robert Fernández at the front, have aimed to the Spanish football and to the English like place where play the four footballers preferred, as it informs "MD".

The two first, to which the technical secretary was to ojear the past Wednesday in the turn of the eighth of Glass of Rey, play for the Athletic of Bilbao and the Villarreal, by what could kill two birds of a shot going to the Madrigal. There it could see in action to Aymeric Laporte that seems to have gone back by his fueros and have recovered his best version with the rojiblancos. The central of 21 years has been headline in the last five meetings of his, showing a big level.

The another footballer gone on down Fernández is the left-handed side Adrián Marín, east of 19 years. In his day debuted with 17 years in the Valencian team and at present is indisputable headline in the left flank. His progression is spectacular and already has called the attention of several big of Europe. Unlike Jordi Alba, Marín stands out by his defensive capacity and his physical power, what does him be a player with an enormous projection and that, little by little, goes puliendo his offensive football.

The signing of the Basque defender antoja complicated because of the 50 million his clause and to that the Basques are very few dice to negotiate. Besides, recently it has signed an agreement until 2019. Of the side of the Villarreal desconocen figures, although "Transfermarket" prices it in 300 one thousand euros because of his youth and the few parties that has played like professional, but would not surprise to anybody that the picture castellonense finish asking a good quantity by him.

However, and in case that both operations are difficult to be carried out, appear other two options in this case of the Premier League. Here it finds one of the central youngsters more contributed lately in the European market, the defender of the Everton John Stones, of the same age that Laporte. Stones Is a fixed in the alignments of "Bob" Martínez and each party that happens goes growing even more. The another player of the English championship that attracts to the technical office is the lateral youngster of the Manchester City Ángel Esmoris.

Gone out of the quarry of the Sportive of the Coruña, "Angeliño", carries in the inferior categories of the English group from the 2013-2014. Although it still has not debuted with the first team, his cession in the New York City during the past championship left very good flavour of mouth. It contested the last fourteen parties of his to a big level, something that did him go back to the City this month of January offering him index card in the first team for the next season.

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