The alternatives of the barça to bravo, marquinhos, square, koke and agüero

The FC Barcelona also handles several alternatives

The FC Barcelona also handles several alternatives

Published:1/06/2014 - 14:26h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona handles distinct alternatives in the market of signings in case no cuajaran the priorities of Luis Enrique and Andoni Zubizarreta with the aim to reinforce the team. Knight, Laporte, Zúñiga, Vidal and Gonzalo Higuaín are the second clearer options

The FC Barcelona finds immersed in negotiations by some of the footballers that has planted like priority in the diary, but knows that it will not be easy to make some contractings and by this reason would have of a wide list of several second options in case no cuajaran some of the planned signings. Of this list, "MD" has stood out some of the names that posit like first alternatives that would handle the sportive direction of Andoni Zubizarreta like reinforcements of level. It treats of Willy Cavalier, Aymeric Laporte, Juan Camilo Zúñiga, Arturo Vidal and Gonzalo Higuaín:

Willy Cavalier: it Is a guardameta experienced that, to his 32 years, lives one of his best moments of his career futbolística. It has cuajado a big season in the Málaga -as the previous- and is in the list of some of the big teams of Europe. If something is clear is that it treats of a footballer of guarantees, professional and still with a lot of seasons of good level by in front. Knight, besides, possesses some faculties that turn him into the ideal goalkeeper for the FC Barcelona, taking into account that it does not have a bad game of feet and besides is a specialist in the one against one.

Aymeric Laporte: prpers Having contested only 34 parties in First Division, is one of the big perlas of the Athletic of Bilbao. In spite of everything, the directive of the FC Barcelona is conscious that Laporte is a melon for opening and that still it is missing him a lot of experience. And, besides, the Barcelona club would have to pay 36 million euros, a figure that does not correspond to a player with his short path. The Basques are not had to traspasarle by an inferior quantity. It is high, fast and with good technical capacities to play the balloon from backwards.

Juan Camilo Zúñiga: Juan Camilo Zúñiga could have a special clause for the FC Barcelona in the case that the Barcelona decide to promote his signing this next summer, as long as the option of Square antoje impossible. The newspaper "Sport" ensured days backwards that the Colombian side of the Naples would cost so only 15 million euros to the Barça, what is the half of his clause of rescission, whereas to other teams like the Real Madrid, that also would have asked after he, would cost them the whole of the clause.

Arturo Vidal: The Chilean midfield player of the Juventus of Turín would be another of the main candidates to oxigenar the room of machines of the team with new sap and a big physical deployment and technician, contributing goals, assistances and also defensive work. It treats of one of the maximum stars of the Series To and will not leave him go out by less than 50 million euros, but fits to remember that the FC Barcelona plays with the baza of Alexis Sánchez and Adriano Correia for abaratar the operation. In any case, for the moment do not exist official negotiations between the two clubs, although Giuseppe Marotta already has desvelado the interest "bianconero" by the "Boy Marvels".

Gonzalo Higuaín: To his 26 years, Higuaín is beyond all doubt one of the best "nueves" of the European panorama, a "crack" world-wide contrasted and with sobrada experience in the elite. Of his wide capacities stands out especially his smell goleador, that allows him be always in the correct place to finish, receive or deposit the balloon at the bottom of the network. Has good shot from out of the area, defends well in the aerial game and besides is fast of movements. Perhaps his elder flaqueza are the technical conditions, although this would not have to be a big obstacle taking into account that it plays in the tip of attack.

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