Emmanuel Petit, in his stage with the FC Barcelona

The most sounded fiascos

The five head offices that fracasaron estrepitosamente in the Barça

Published:27/04/2016 - 20:40h

Updated:27/04/2016 - 20:40h

Everything aims to that the FC Barcelona will move index card and will do with a central of hierarchy in the market of signings. A position that does not bring very good memories in Can Barça been due to how has proceeded the team in this sense

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Barça will go out to the market this summer for, at least, do with a central of guarantees that apuntale the defence (in case that there is not lower in this position). A position where the Barcelona team has not hit in what we carry of century, tackling signings that have sonrojado to more than one. Although the best players in this demarcation have arrived almost always of the quarry, these have been the five worse signings of the Barcelona team for the axis of the saga:

This central Ukrainian arrived of the Shaktar Donestk under request of Pep Guardiola. His cost were 25 million euros but in any moment gave a good performance had to, partly to injuries and partly to problems derived of the pressure to play in a team like the blaugrana. His lacks remained showed regarding his speed and to a bad exit of the ball. He same confessed after abandoning the team cuales were his problems: "it Was my fault, because I had to have me sense freer, less presionado, but could not".

-Winston Bogarde
Famous for being one of the big "pufos" that has played in the League BBVA, Winston Bogarde stood out by not standing out in at all in Can Barça. This Dutch already brought by the street of the bitterness to the fans blaugrana after a presentation where did not know neither give more than four touch to the ball. Polyvalent defender, went a coladero in the Barça and finish going out to Chelsea.

-Emmanuel Petit
Petit Arrived to the FC Barcelona with the vitola of champion of the World with France in 1998 and of the Eurocopa in 2000. It arrived of the Arsenal beside Overmars, in this famous squandering of the money from the traspaso of Luis Figo to the Real Madrid. From the first moment the Frenchman did not adapt to the changing room, to the city neither to his trainer Serra Ferrer, that wanted him of central when it was mediocentro. It did not last more than a campaign.

-Philippe Christanval
Compared (in heresy) with Laurent Blanc, Christanval remained without waist in numerous meetings with the Barça. After costing seven million euros, a considerable figure for the period (2003). It went to the Olympique of Marseilles where did not triumph, neither later in the Fulham.

-Frédéric Déhu
After paying 3,4 million euros by him, Frédéric Déhu hardly played in the team blaugrana, contesting a total of eleven meetings. Another defender that lasted a season to finish going back to France of the hand of a PSG that was not the one of nowadays. I finish his career in the Raise Unit

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