Iñaki Crag makes one of his stops in front of the Barcelona


Galatasaray takes for granted the role of Iñaki Peña at Barça

Published:13/03/2022 - 10:54h

Updated:13/03/2022 - 10:54h

Iñaki Peña's performance against Barcelona in the Europa League could serve as a message for Xavi after the great performance of the Alicante native that could threaten Ter Stegen's ownership. From Turkey they consider that he is ready to be the first goalkeeper

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After a cession in the Turkish football, Iñaki Crag will be returning to the FC Barcelona in summer to assume the role of second goalkeeper, by behind Marc-André Ter Stegen. In the agreement of loan signed in the past wintry window is not contemplated the possibility that the Galatasaray obtain the property of his index card, by what will go back to the City Condal.

His cession has been favourable in search of minutes and already has been able to debut in the Camp Nou, but defending the goal of the visitors in the meeting of gone of the eighth of final of the Europe League, attaining keep it imbatida along the 90 minutes. The party closed with a tie without goals and everything will define in Turkey in search of the pass to the following phase.

Competition for Ter Stegen

Of this way, Iñaki has left clear that it can litigate him the titularity to the German in the Barcelona goal, especially in front of the irregularity that has showed Ter Stegen and that have done to the managerial think in an eventual traspaso, what would open him the doors wide open to the Alicante, as long as it do not opt for throwing hand of the market if the germano sacks .

From Turkey already have clear that Iñaki Crag will go back to the Barcelona and that will occupy the role of substitute of Ter Stegen. His arrival to the Galatasaray answered to the request of the trainer Domènec Torrent, the one who already knew him from his go through the Barcelona quarry, by what called him to see minutes like titling in the tournament otomano and in the international competition in which they participate at present.

Nevertheless, from Istanbul consider that the Alicante already is prepared to assume the titularity and not to see relegado to the bench. Even so, it is very likely that the trainer culé, Xavi Hernández, have taken note of the performance of Iñaki in the Camp Nou. In fact, in his back statements to the 0-0 has left it clear: "He ruined us the night".

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