Xavi Hernández en el duelo entre el FC Barcelona y el PSG en la UEFA Champions League


The 'KO' in the Champions makes it more difficult for Xavi to change his mind despite Laporta

Published:17/04/2024 - 14:29h

Updated:17/04/2024 - 18:44h

FC Barcelona seems increasingly resigned to the idea that it will not be able to count on Xavi Hernández as coach for next season. Therefore, they will have to reactivate the search for a technical director, a task that does not promise to be easy, but that the club wants to resolve as soon as possible

Calendar of FC Barcelona

And a day the FC Barcelona went back to lose! Yes, after hilvanar a flawless series of 13 consecutive commitments without knowing the defeat (10 victories and three ties), the Barcelona picture fell again, this time of painful way home in front of his own fans and against a club with which has gestado an important sportive rivalry in the last years, Paris Saint-Germain. The result was a 'lapidarian' 1-4, influenced to a large extent by the expulsion of Ronald Araújo, an unexpected twist that allowed to the Parisian cast trace back and put end to the dream to arrive to the semifinals of the Champions League and even to a hypothetical final.

This new and bitter reverse probably diminished the increasingly tangible possibilities that Xavi Hernández continue to the control of the Barça for the next season. No because this have affected the confidence of Joan Laporta, the one who seems to be every time is more convinced that the egarense has to lead this sportive project during a lot of years, but because it has lost one of the greater aspirations of the campaign: heave the 'Orejona'. This desbarata one of the main arguments that had the club to persuade to the of Terrassa whose posture seems to be quite inflexible.

The sportive direction culé already wants to begin to take decisions

Likewise, as it informs 'SPORT', once consummated the elimination in the Champions, the FC Barcelona considers timely to begin to take decisions, since the campaign, regarding the aims alcanzables, is practically finished, remaining only the fight by LaLiga. The result of the next commitment against the Real Madrid, the Sunday 21 April, will be crucial, since a victory could keep live the fight by the leadership of this contest, but a defeat could finish with the hopes of the Catalan cast to obtain a title this course.

In this sense, according to the same source, the sportive direction could be rushing the decision on who will be the next trainer of the Barça. With the continuity of Xavi Hernández increasingly unlikely, the Barcelona club has to reactivate the research of a new technical director, something that had remained in 'standby' because of the state of form showed by the team, what gave foot to a small possibility to try persuade to Xavi, although with this new disappointment in Europe, seems that his posture will toughen and it will be necessary to restart the research of a new agent for the next course.

Rafa Márquez follows winning whole

Under this premise, one of the names that has gone purchasing greater importance in the City Condal is the one of Rafa Márquez. His candidature has earned strength thanks to the remarkable sportive actuality of the Barça Atlètic and to his familiarity with the club, what could do it him an active ideal to assume the challenge. Even, apparently it outlines like the better technical director positioned in this moment, taking into account that, as 'SPORT', any external trainer has attained to convince by diverse reasons.

In this stage, is not descartable that, after the Classical, the sportive area of the club and Joan Laporta begin to take decisions that will define the future of the team. The main premise will be the continuity of Xavi Hernández, the one who will be consulted again on his posture, but with the clear idea that surely it will need a new trainer. It is likely that this decision make public to finals of April or May, so that the new technical director can begin to work in the preparation of the staff for the next season, considering the sales and the incorporations that can make .

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