FC Barcelona 2015-2016

Until six players could go out

The list of players that could leave the FC Barcelona from summer of 2016

Published:2/03/2016 - 18:09h

Updated:2/03/2016 - 18:41h

The technical office of the FC Barcelona would be posing seriously the exits of varied of the components of the staff of the first team of face to the next season, what would generate more money for fichar to new reinforcements and finish to close some renewals

Calendar of FC Barcelona
The FC Barcelona is showing again intractable this season in front of all his rivals in all the official competitions that contests, with a solid block that allows to Luis Enrique make rotations since it began the new year 2016 to keep cool the legs of his best footballers. Aleix Vidal and Burn Turan, the two new signings of the past summer, have given oxygen since it began the second stretch of the season 2015-16 to players like Iniesta, Busquets or Dani Alves, adapting increasingly to the discipline and Barcelona game, although still without having arrived to show his best performance in the group culé.

Simultaneously, however, they exist cases of players in the staff that have lost a lot of leadership in this second stretch of the season, using Luis Enrique to less footballers in his rotations in front of the increasingly high requirement of the parties. Like this the things, players like Douglas Pereira, Adriano Correia, Marc Bartra, Munir The Haddadi, Jordi Masip and Sandro Ramírez cross in these moments an ostracism that could carry them to do the cases to the term of the present season, leaving something of money in the arks culés that it could serve for apuntalar new signings and finish to close renewals like the ones of Neymar and Sergio Busquets.

On the other hand, some effective that already surpass the treintena of age and that landed in the Camp Nou the past season, Jeremy Mathieu and Thomas Vermaelen, would have hanged the poster of transferibles in the case that it arrive a good offer to the offices of the Camp Nou, since the FC Barcelona is conscious that they do not remain them a lot of years more than good performance futbolístico, and traspasarles could involve an income that would serve to second the signing of Marquinhos for the position of head office, or the one of Ricardo Rodríguez or some another left-handed side that can suplir to Jordi Alba so well as it does it Aleix Vidal with Dani Alves.

It is clear that the FC Barcelona will look for for the next season improve the level of the Barcelona staff, when being conscious that hardly it will hold much more time using practically to the same block of footballers in all the parties. And it is that, further of the eleven of gala that served to win in 2015 the "Pentaplete", are Aleix Vidal, Burn Turan, Sergi Roberto, Ter Stegen and Jeremy Mathieu the most used by Luis Enrique in the distinct appointments. Another case aside is the one of Marc Bartra, the one who in spite of his 25 years is the last head office of the staff for "Struggle", and could abandon also the entity culé in summer leaving around 12 million euros that serve to guarantee a new incorporation to the team.

Sandro Ramírez also could finish being traspasado, whereas Munir The Haddadi could be yielded to a team of the League BBVA or of another competition, like the Premier League. Of this form, would remain space so that it arrived a fourth forward of guarantees like Nolito, a central like Marquinhos or Laporte, a competent left side and, can, some reinforcement for the centre of the field, although in this section the Barça would play with the advantage to be able to repescar anytime to Denis Suárez and/or Alen Halilovic. Who knows, besides, if Gerard Deulofeu, that is cuajando a big season in the Everton, could finish returning also to the staff culé to turn into the fourth forward that oxigene the minutes of the "MSN".

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