Luka Jovic In a party with the Eintracht of Frankfurt


The Madrid tightens the accelerator by Jovic and could close the signing very soon

Published:18/05/2019 - 18:57h

Updated:18/05/2019 - 18:57h

The Madrid already has chosen leading centre for the next season and that is Luka Jovic. The whites have tightened the accelerator and would be very near of ficharle. The tip would arrive by some 60 million euros. His agent and the club merengue will gather in the next days

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Real Madrid has had this year a problem tremendo with the goal. The whites have completed his worst season goleadora in a lot of years, and therefore they look for leading in the market. The course of Cristiano Ronaldo has left an important gap regarding the goal and the madridistas want to fill it in the next market of signings.

The elected has names and surnames and was sounding for the FC Barcelona during several months. It treats of Luka Jovic, goleador of the Eintracht of Frankfurt, that according to all the media is to a step of fichar by the group merengue. Sportive world aims that the operation could close this next week.

The madridistas will pay by the Serbian some 60 million more objective euros, an upper price to what the Madrid wanted to pay by him. The Eintracht was not had to leave to go to his forward to any price and has forced to the merengues to go up his offer, that in a first contact could have been from among 45 and 50 'kilos'.

According to the quoted Catalan newspaper, the agent of the footballer, Fali Ramadani, will travel these next days to the Madrilenian capital to gather with the Madrid and close the last fringes of the signing. Still it has not concretised the price that the merengues will pay by the tip and this meeting could be to finish to close it.

Jovic Has completed a season sensacional and has called the attention of several big of Europe. The Serbian has marked 27 goals in 47 meetings and the FC Barcelona, the Bayern of Munich, Chelsea or the Madrid interested for doing with his services. It seems that the merengues will carry the cat to the water and will carry to the 'killer'.

Jovic Could play with Benzema

It does not know which training will use Zidane the next season, but if it decides to play with two forwards Jovic could be the couple of Karim Benzema. The French is a fixed and after completing one of his best campaigns with the T-shirt merengue will be very important the new project. Has a style of game that could complement very well with the one of the Serbian and both could form a big couple.

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