The fc barcelona will have more competition of what expected by laporte

The Manchester United will compete with the Barça by Laporte

The Manchester United will compete with the Barça by Laporte

Published:20/02/2016 - 10:15h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Catalan press ensures that the Manchester United would be had to make a macro-offers this summer to do with the services of Aymeric Laporte, young head office of the Athletic of Bilbao that it would be also aim of the Barça in case no cuaja the signing of Marquinhos

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As it has informed in the last hours the newspaper "Sport", when seeming the FC Barcelona will have more competition of the expected this next summer to try do with the services of Aymeric Laporte, young head office of the Athletic of Bilbao that the emissaries culés follow from does already several years, but whose clause of rescission -now of 50 million euros- and the needs of the Barcelona club have prevented by the moment that form part of the staff of Luis Enrique.

The case is that the Barcelona would have to Laporte like firm option in the diary to reinforce the position of head office of face to the next season, possibly like alternative to the incorporation of Marquinhos, the one who has all the ballots to turn into the signing crashes of the Barça.

The quoted newspaper, however, ensures that the Manchester United, with the aim to content to José Mourinho in the case that the Portuguese finish signing finally like new trainer of the conjoint "network devil" for the next season, could advance to the FC Barcelona and launch an offer by the young defender of 21 years. In fact, the Catalan newspaper affirms that the red devils would have put already in contact with the surroundings of the footballer for tantear the first terrain before sending a definite proposal to the Athletic of Bilbao.

The Barça has to Laporte like aim, but would not have foreseen to go in in a bidding by the footballer that exceed the 50 million euros, what for the time being is the price of the clause of the player. The Manchester United, besides, would plan to propose to Laporte a wage of 7 million net euros by season, something that the FC Barcelona would not be had to pay. If finally it confirms the strong interest of the Manchester United by the Basque, the Barça could throw to a side and launch to by all for fichar to Marquinhos or, of the contrary, to John Stones (Everton).

The wink of Laporte to the Barça

In some words conceded during an exclusive interview to "football365" of which have done echo already other media like the newspaper "Sport", Aymeric Laporte could have given a track on the team in which it would like him recalar in the case that finally it was traspasado this next summer of the Athletic of Bilbao. "For now I am in the Athletic and am focused to my season. The Barça is the best team of the world, but for now there is not at all in concrete and anybody has called me to my directly. I asked and I expect patiently".

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