Joan Gamper Stadium in La Masia


Napoli initiates contacts to 'steal' a promise from Barça

Published:6/03/2023 - 17:16h

Updated:6/03/2023 - 17:23h

The representative of Toni Caravaca, Giovanni de Montis, has admitted that from Napoli there is interest in signing the midfielder from La Masia, whose contract will expire in July 2023

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The basic football of the FC Barcelona keeps on being one of the main sources of talents for Europe. From the Napoli are very to the so much of this and is that the team partenopeo would be by the work to do with the services of Toni Caravaca, the one who at present is a member of the rows of the Juvenile To and whose agreement with the Catalan entity is very near to expire, by what from the south of Italy follow very closely his movements.

In statements collected by the portal 'Calciomercato', Giovanni of Montis, the one who beside the exjugador Francesco Totti forms part of the society to charge of the agency of representation Ct10 Management and account in his wallet with the young talent, would have indicated that it would not be the first time that the Napoli fixed in him: "In January already had offers of Italy, but the Barça did not leave him go out. Now the Naples is very interested in the player".

Likewise, it has indicated that the interest of the Italian team stands up, whereas the Barça would be evaluating the possibility to extend his bond with the club further of the date stipulated in his current agreement, on 30 June 2023: "The Spanish club is doing reflections on the boy, whose agreement is very near to remain without effect. Whereas the Napoli follows very interested".

The midfield player of 19 years has signed a brilliant season with the Juvenile, in which it has marked half dozen of goals and has served five assistances. The quoted half has indicated that even Totti has had the initiative of ojearlo and attract it for his agency of representation. Meanwhile, the Barcelona would be preparing an offer to renew him and ensure that it was still in the City Condal further of this course.

The Barça, calm

However, in accordance with the information of the newspaper 'Sport', the FC Barcelona does not have foreseen to make risky bets regarding the renewal of some canteranos. In fact, already they would have clear that varied of them will be abandoning the club at the end of the course in front of the ofrecimientos that would have by part of other teams of the continent.

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