Memphis Depay, during a match with the Olympique of Lyon


The Olympique de Lyon offer that Memphis Depay will have a hard time rejecting

Published:26/09/2020 - 08:44h

Updated:26/09/2020 - 16:44h

Jean-Michel Classrooms, president of the team of the French city, considers that it has offered to Memphis Depay one very good offer, that will be difficult to refuse for Depay

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It does some weeks gave by enclosed, today, every time see it more complicated. The Olympique of Lyon does not want to undo of the figure of his team, by what his aim is to retain to Memphis Depay. To do it, his president confessed: "I did Him a proposal of renewal that in principle can not refuse, unless we are at the end of his agreement".

It did it in his statements to RMC, in which it also admitted that it is "in harmony with my consciousness. It is one very good offer". To the maximum representative of the French entity does not give him modesty recognise the truths: "Ojalá Memphis was still in the OL. Never there is at all impossible. It has done all the possible to ensure that it remain . If it does not remain , we will adapt us".

Depay, with ease to mark and assist

From the beginning of the market, the Olympique, in spite of his insistences for retaining to the player, has left entreabierta his door of exit. Even Rudi García, his trainer, exposed it, practically, in a shop window in the program of 'Téléfoot': "Memphis is a player of first level. It is a fantastic player, although it finish to return of an operation of crusaders."

"If it can do the season with Olympique of Lyon, will be even more strong. Afterwards, as with many of my big players, if have the opportunity to play in a club that is built to win the Champions League, will carry them with my car personally", recognised the Spanish technician after knowing the interest of the FC Barcelona in the player.

Memphis Depay, increasingly far

To fault of few days for the closing of the market estival of traspasos, the FC Barcelona still has not reinforced his attacker line with a forward. It seemed that Memphis Depay had all the ballots to arrive to the Camp Nou, but over time, the rumours that dressed it of blaugrana have gone disappearing and other names have won importance.

On the other hand, the Dutch, was not the type of forward that looked for the Barça. In spite of the big differences of his style of game, Memphis is rather a leading second, like Griezmann. The team culé needs an ariete, in case sometime it is necessary, because of the injuries, for example, change the training and play with two forwards.

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